Sarah Palin Turns The Tables On Tina Fey – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin Turns The Tables On Tina Fey

BB4SP Over the weekend on SNL, Tina Fey reprised her role as Sarah Palin. But today Fey’s years-long gag has an answer from Palin, who reversed roles and played Fey in the trailer for “31 Rock,” a possible sequel to the hit NBC show “30 Rock.”

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10 Comments on Sarah Palin Turns The Tables On Tina Fey

  1. I’d like to know who Sarah Palin would like to be the Presidential nominee next year.

    I tried, I really, really tried to get the humor, but it was too referential to a program I’ve never seen.

  2. I refer to her as The Scar and the rest of Tina Fey.

    I think she was trying to stab her left arm for another heroin injection but ripped her left cheek instead… New York will do that sort of thing to a person.

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