Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, files for divorce over ‘incompatibility of temperament’ – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, files for divorce over ‘incompatibility of temperament’


Todd Palin has filed for divorce from Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and GOP vice presidential candidate, citing “incompatibility of temperament” and that “they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.”

Todd Palin, 55, asked to dissolve the couple’s 31-year marriage in a filing submitted Friday in Anchorage Superior Court. The paperwork was submitted on Aug. 29, eight days after the couple’s anniversary.

The filing, first reported by the Anchorage Daily News, only uses initials but details the couple’s marriage date and the birth date of their 11-year-old son, Trig, and asks for an equal separation of assets and debts.

The two have been married since 1988 and have five children: Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow and Piper. Todd Palin’s filing asks for shared custody of Trig, who has Down Syndrome.

36 Comments on Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, files for divorce over ‘incompatibility of temperament’

  1. I get Liberty’s news feed to my inbox and just read about this earlier this evening. Very sad news. I suspect Sarah’s intense involvement in politics and her notoriety have really changed their relationship dynamic. Just speculating, but her kids probably needed more of her time. The grown ones seem to be having lots of problems. Who knows.

  2. ‘incompatibility of temperament’??? … really?????

    you’re just finding this out … after 31 years???

    I must confess I contributed to the McLame campaign … & the only reason was because he picked Palin … had high hopes for her

    very sorry

  3. Just a reminder that ‘these’ people are jusssst people.

    This does NOT surprise me at all, unfortunatley, too much public exposure and STRESS.

    Don’t know and can’t say about personalities, I don’t know them.

    I voted for her not him, btw…him being McShame.

  4. @Farmwife, yep they are all over this like stink on poop and they have been unmerciful in many of the threads I have read. Those libs would have folded 10 minutes in if they had a 1/4 of the pressure and scrutiny that Palin underwent.

  5. So, we are ALL challenged, in every relationship, well just about EVERYONE.

    The left, as usual in a knee jerk play book reaction will REACT. And, as usual they are too uniformed or not wise enough to know this shit happens…in life, it sucks, but both hopefully will benefit.

    Prager just had a male/female hour about this last week:

    Glad you waited to get one?
    Waited too long to get one?
    Regretted you got one?

    Great stuff. It sounded like it went back to the status of childrens’ ages. Now repeat the above questions.

    I have never myself had to answer any of the above and consider myself quite fortunate.

  6. This is very sad news to me. I waited in line for 4 hours to shake her hand (and Todd’s) and to have her sign a copy of her book. I’ve never done that before and most likely won’t ever do that again – unless MJA writes a book. 😉

  7. I can think of no person that so undeservedly underwent so much public ridicule as poor Sarah Palin.
    It was brutal, nationwide, all day all night, every channel.
    All instigated because she gave such a critical stinging speech criticizing the black false messiah during the 2008 Republican convention. She was a real threat to Obama’s election.

  8. That’s too bad. In this day 31 years together (although I suspect that last couple may have been in fix mode that failed) is quite an accomplishment. Maybe it clears the way for her to run for the Senate.


    Yes, the media paints all Republicans as absolutely stupid, but this woman HAS done some stupid things. Probably the dumbest was giving katie couric the time of day, as she has always been a fraud just trying to mine some political gold to splash all over the news.

    Palin should have been clever enough to stay away from these people. 99% of the interview will not be used, just that 1% to make her look bad.

  10. BTW, every citizen of the state gets a check yearly from the proceeds of the oil industry thanks to her. She was a good governor that actually helped the people and cleared out some of the good old boy corruption in the state gov. Every state should be that lucky.
    She never deserved the pounding she took from the petty vermin arrayed against her and I hope she finds some peace in her life.

  11. Hey it happens. What’s the point of tearing them down? I think they are both a couple of good, responsible people that didn’t get along. Leave them alone.
    I mean, after all, we’re not talking about a couple of hornswaggling, double-dealing, power hungry, money grubbing criminal business partners who dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse like Bill and Hillary!

  12. In my job as “final commenter” I note that while friend wife and I have more than fifty years of marriage and four years previous dating we’re not sure if it will last.

    Relationships can be a pain in the ass (NO! Not that way you deviants.)


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