Sarah Silverman’s TV Show Shares a Little Bit Too Much Intimate Information – IOTW Report

Sarah Silverman’s TV Show Shares a Little Bit Too Much Intimate Information

On one hand, Hollywood is busy rooting out male pigs who think women are sex toys and act inappropriately in their presence.

On the other hand we have Sarah Silverman, who describes her favorite masturbation techniques and tells the world that her favorite “helper material” for getting off are videos of girls getting gang-banged… anally.

Sorry about the above blurb, but it was necessary to illustrate how men in Hollywood would get the idea that there are… uhh… morally loose women in their town.

I can hear Sarah now- “I should be able to discuss openly my darkest sexual proclivities and activities with the expectation that fellow perverts won’t take a run at me.”

No, no you can’t.

I’m not saying the Weinsteins of the world aren’t to blame and shouldn’t be punished, but you’re poking the horny nest. You have no expectation of safety when you advertise like you do.


27 Comments on Sarah Silverman’s TV Show Shares a Little Bit Too Much Intimate Information

  1. More information I wish I could purge from my memories – And, yes I do believe either she or someone’s fantasy of her will pay a price for these remarks when some pervo acts on them.

  2. It take two to tango/It takes two to tangle. There are two sides to everything.
    Hollywood is a magnet for fame, fortune, power and sex.
    Men know they can trade power for sex and women know they can rise to the top by appealing to that. That’s why there are laws. The problem is that the laws and the Media have been compromised and corrupted to allow what’s been going on for decades. That may well be the bigger issue of it all!

  3. As nasty and low life as she is,such information shouldn’t surprise anyone. In fact they will find a way to explain that is “empowering to women”.

    I’m reserving my surprise to the fact that she has a show, and that people do watch it.

  4. One of the hardest lessons I ever had to learn was that women can be as venal and disgusting as men.
    Physical beauty does not indicate moral or mental virtuosity
    Am I surprised? No.
    I find it sad

  5. @The Rat Fink November 5, 2017 at 7:02 am

    “Hollywood is …” just like everywhere. Actors are not as special as they think.

    “That’s why there are laws.” No. It’s not. Look at who is attacked, and how, by the Regime.

  6. Sarah and Kathy advertising their insanity. Gads, i

    She clarified one thing more about progressive leftists’ rabid defense of jihadi terrorists; with this type of leftist thinking they’ll feel right at home with all of the depravities of the jihadis!

    I can’t wait until they are in the crowd of celebrating terrorists, that the left have welcomed, and realize the crowd is calling for culling their life-long enemies; gays and Jewish people, from America.


    A woman enjoys intercourse with her man–as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.

    Is it time for the spotlight to be shined on Bernie Sanders in this hyper-vigilant age of sex crimes against women?

    He WAS invited to the Women’s Conference in Detroit. I guess they are very forgiving for liberal men with rape fantasies.

  8. Well, at least she’s good at defining two concepts: 1) “Waste of skin”; and, 2) Some things just aren’t worth doing”.

    Reminds me of an old Jonathan Winters line… “Don’t touch that groundhog Baby Elizabeth!! You don’t know where it’s been!”.

  9. Actually, I don’t believe anything Sarah Silverman says, because from what I’ve seen of her, she’ll say anything she thinks is funny, especially if it provokes a reaction from her audience.

    If it ever came out that in real life she was just a sweet young Methodist Conservative farm girl from Iowa, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit, because that gal’s a total troll.


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