Sargassum See – IOTW Report

Sargassum See


Near-record amounts of seaweed are smothering Caribbean coasts from Puerto Rico to Barbados, killing fish and other wildlife, choking tourism and releasing stinky, noxious gases.

More than 24 million tons of sargassum blanketed the Atlantic in June, shattering the all-time record, set in 2018, by 20%, according to the University of South Florida’s Optical Oceanography Lab. And unusually large amounts of the brown algae have drifted into the Caribbean Sea. More

9 Comments on Sargassum See

  1. “ Sargassum in moderation helps purify water and absorb carbon dioxide and is a key part of the habitat for fish, turtles, shrimp, crabs and other creatures. It is also used in fertilizer, food, biofuel, construction materials and medicinal products.”

    Fertilizer!? Scoop it up and send it to the farmers in Holland! A win-win!

  2. I’ve noticed increasing seaweed along the Mexico beaches for the past couple decades.
    It’s most likely because there are more nutrients in the water feeding the extra plant growth. The ocean is a giant open sewer to most of the global nations. It’s killing the reefs and feeding the weeds. I’m not a global warmer but direct pollution of the oceans is obvious to the eye.

  3. It’s a huge biomass that should be harvested for fertilizer, food additives, and food itself.
    A company in coastal Maine. Federal Marine Colloids, processes it for different products, one of which was added to McDonalds hamburger to keep them moist.
    Now there’s not enough meat to keep moist.
    This guy here is a friend of mine that is exploring different uses for the “weed”:

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