SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 – IOTW Report

SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01

First Known US Case of New CCP Virus Strain Confirmed in Colorado

I blame it on the president elect… because I’m an idiot.

ht/ billy fuster

13 Comments on SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01

  1. Governor Robert E. Neuman has initiated a study to determine if enough binary nerve agents are available to reduce the population by 95%, thereby removing the chance of further spread through human to human contact.

  2. Sounds like a naturally occurring mutation of the original lab created WuFlu. Yes, study of will need to be done to see if it’s more deadly (think 1918 Spanish flu) or about the same (most likely).
    Aaaaaaand of course, the Lords and Masters, along with the Witch Doctors and Presstitutes, are whipping up the thin broth to a foamy frenzy (all air, no substance) to try to maintain the illusion of control over us peons and serfs.

  3. Hospitals are making BIG BUCKS listing Covid as illness or cause of death. So are all of their stock holders.
    What are the chances a lefty hospital would deliberately infect people?
    What are the chances the left would cheat on the elections?
    The Covid infection rate is a hoax, so now they need a new reason to keep us locked up.
    Also we know the flu can show a fake positive Covid results and yet the CDC only reports 40 cases this year to last years 7,703.
    Do the math, follow the money.

  4. All flus mutate. I can’t believe we are now going to have to burn down the capitols because people are too stupid to realize the flu mutates. lol.
    The plain ordinary flu should sue. Because it’s getting shut out of the death counts still.

  5. You know what will stop this bullshit? Stop paying hospitals cash per case.
    Could you imagine if the feds did that for diabetes? 80% of the country would ‘have’ it. The more money you throw at bullshit, the more bullshit you receive.

  6. This is just the pretense for why the vaccine that was supposed to end the crisis does not in fact end the crisis, and therefore requires the tyrants and would be dictators to continue destroying the U.S. in service to their godless, evil, filthy red communist Chinese overlords!

    Or some such shit…


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