Sasha’s summer job – IOTW Report

Sasha’s summer job

PatriotRetort: Say, did you know that Sasha Obama took a summer job?

Yup! She sure did. She wanted to see how the other half lived.

Okay, actually, it wasn’t a summer job. It was a job that started on Monday and finishes up today.

That’s not a summer job; that’s a five-day publicity stunt.

The whole “seeing how the other half lived” is also a bit of a stretch.

After all, Sasha’s five-day summer job was at an eatery in Martha’s Vineyard.

More details here

26 Comments on Sasha’s summer job

  1. I bet she had that angry black attitude down pat.
    I love it when I walk up to the counter and the black girls just look at me, not saying a word.
    No “may I help you?”
    Anger oozes from them yet they have never even met me.
    Happens fairly often.
    I just don’t get it.

  2. Why not find out what it’s like to be white. Have professional make up applied
    to look white.
    Blacks are so envious of white people.
    We all (white people) get the best seats everywhere we go. Doors open
    automatically for us and special music is played when we enter any building.
    We get a 25% discount on everything we buy. Our lives are incredibly
    marvelous. We don’t have to work, money is given to us just for being white.

  3. Did she learn to give white patrons the smallest, oldest product like they do at Popeye’s here?

    Seriously. They save that stuff for when whitey comes. I’ve compared meals with my Mexico-born D-i-l. We walked in separately so they didn’t know we were together.

    Funny to find it true. But they lost any future biz from me forever. It started at the Church’s here too, but only when the black chick is on duty. So I check for her first and leave if she’s there. Pretty much all black workers at Popeye’s, here, all the time. Not worth checking at all.

  4. “OK, so that’s what work is like. I think I’ll do what my dad does instead.”

    Actually she now has more experience in the private sector than her old man!

  5. Me got bad news for you
    dupes.Michael did not bear
    Sasha.He/She is probably a hermaphrodite.
    The fallopian tubes & uterus never completely
    formed.Those kids were picked from computer generated
    age progression and dna trait software.

  6. maybe she quit because there was an immediate opening at a fried chicken fast food restaurant. A coveted job like that gets filled quickly in certain communitys

  7. LBS,

    Many times I’ve taken seats on public conveyances next to black people, and they’very immediately gotten up and moved.

    Do I smell bad or something? Or is it the White Privilege cooties?

  8. Barry worked at an ice cream shop for a week, Satchmo does this.
    Malaria will do something similar.
    They are both from central casting and are prepping for future roles.

  9. Commie leader propaganda tactic. Make offspring, for a very short time, participate in working class tasks for photo op, Slaving proletariats and fawning bourgeoisie then feel they can relate to the commie elite and vice versa.
    Obviously, the underclass is being played.
    Barry’s keeping this Marxist strategy going to fool his low info zombies.

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