Saskrotch AKA: Moldylocks – Tall Tale Versus Video Evidence – IOTW Report

Saskrotch AKA: Moldylocks – Tall Tale Versus Video Evidence

This antifada liar is the new Michele Fields.

34 Comments on Saskrotch AKA: Moldylocks – Tall Tale Versus Video Evidence

  1. These kind of people is why you should record so much.

    My dash cam shut a liar down completely and her insurance paid for everything. No more he-said she-said.

    This commie would lose in any court. Slam dunk.

  2. Convert Bezerkely to a homeless shelter and let the rich libtard “parents” deduct their special snotflakes’ tuition as charity. Honestly, isn’t that already what it is?

    Win, win.

  3. Seems to be a “liberal” (totalitarian) phenomenon.

    Maxine Waters.
    Nancy Pelosi.
    Fauxahontas Warren.
    B. Hussein Obola.
    Jonathan Gruber.
    Schmuckles Schumer.

    They attempt to maintain their lies regardless of the evidence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Did she have her nose-ring on when she was abused by those naughty Trump supporters?? I myself am a naughty Trump supporter, and that ring…so close…so within reach….

  5. @Thirdtwin April 19, 2017 at 7:20 am

    Fark’le has been on msNBC/CNBC twice since her revealations.
    1st was the deer/headlights “I know nothing”
    2nd was last week. Fresh haircut, new outfit, new attorney crafted “I know nothing” script.

    No appearances on Mourning Mika with ‘I Know One Note’ Cuckle Joe since then.
    Farkle was a regular with Mika throughout 2016 and all are recorded.
    Keeping that powder dry until after she has been deposed under oath.
    Her atty undoubtedly advised her anything she says now will be used against her.

    The whole story of Mika and Cuck Joe behind the scenes attempts to sabotage and undermine Trump after the election won’t be an Eye opener, for some. It’s a personal vendetta he and Mika have. Joe thought he was a real Power Player with his annual reservation at Mar-a-lago. When he got brushed off after the election, he went full cuck. Now Joe is worried Donny Deutch is still dipping Mika on the side.

    The “Production Team” at msNBC include Bloomberg and The Guardian. When you watch msNBC and see the green screened backdrop of the keyboard warriors in the ‘News Room’, that is who you are seeing. It’s all a facade. How long until the One Note House of Joe collapses? When the Time is right.

    Tomorrow 4-20, ValJar will be on the show. Her script has been readied.

  6. Since we all know liberalism is a mental illness is comes as no big surprise that this bitch has trouble disseminating reality from the alternate world she’s obviously living in.

  7. Re. Saskrotch holding a bottle…there are other pics of her holding a bottle prior to getting punched. Best guess is the bottle got knocked out of her hand before the punch seen round the world. If you watch the beginning of the video you can hear a bottle break a few seconds before she got lit up. That CU Next Tuesday is no good.

  8. Why is she still here? Four days ago there was a lot of whining about how the fascists had spread her names, and home address & places of employment all over the internet, and she would have to go into hiding with a new name, new job, new home in a new city. Just like the liars from from the Hillary fan club who failed to leave the country if Trump won. Oh, and her face not only isn’t cut, it doesn’t appear to be bruised. Maybe next time her tales will come true.

  9. She is the new female version of Wolverine/Deadpool with amazing healing and recuperative powers for her nose and face after the alleged damage from punch and alleged kneeings.

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