Sasse Hits Program Diverting Money From Treasury to Insurance Companies – IOTW Report

Sasse Hits Program Diverting Money From Treasury to Insurance Companies

Introduces legislation to penalize HHS for prioritizing big insurance companies over taxpayers.

ben sasse ap

WFB: Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) is taking aim at an Obamacare program that is diverting billions of dollars in payments away from the U.S. Treasury and steering the money to major insurance companies involved with the health care law.


Sasse recently introduced legislation tackling the Transitional Reinsurance Program, one of three programs in Obamacare put into place to protect insurance companies from risks that could arise from entering the marketplace. read more here


5 Comments on Sasse Hits Program Diverting Money From Treasury to Insurance Companies

  1. Well, good luck with that. Swimming upstream against the sewage flow of congress will only gain the witch hunt Cruz got for shouting out, “Liar” at McConnell.

    Term limits. If a congressman touts term limits and works to get that legislation passed, I’d vote for that person.

    That should be the first item on a constitutional states convention.

  2. Mr. Sasse, that’s called Crony Socialism.

    No Doubt Trump will issue yet another white paper detailing all the specifics of his requirements relative to this particular issue. Just like all the other very specific documentation that somebody wrote up for him that he has no idea about. Guess that’s why he’ll never debate Cruz… be a lot easier to just “fire” him.

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