Satanists Lose Abortion Case In Missouri – IOTW Report

Satanists Lose Abortion Case In Missouri

Courthouse News

Missouri’s law requiring physicians to give women a pro-life booklet and perform an ultrasound before an abortion does not infringe on a Satanist’s religious freedom, the Eighth Circuit ruled Tuesday.

Judy Doe, a member of the Satanic Temple, filed a lawsuit in February 2018 claiming that the state’s definition of life beginning at conception violates the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment. More

8 Comments on Satanists Lose Abortion Case In Missouri

  1. Satanism is NOT a religion.

    It is an ANTI-religion or a COUNTER religion.

    Therefore Satanists should not have the benefits of “religious” constitutional protections.

    Just sayin’.

  2. So what are they going to do if the Supreme Court God willing and Roberts doesn’t betray us again decides against Roe V Wade by the end of this years court session in the next 2 to 3 weeks or so. The left is going to go apoplectic if Roe v Wade is overturned and abortion is kicked back to each individual state to determine whether they will allow abortion or not, which is where it should’ve been in the first place.


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