Satisfying Matt Walsh Take-Down of One of the World’s Most Insufferable Shitferbrains – IOTW Report

Satisfying Matt Walsh Take-Down of One of the World’s Most Insufferable Shitferbrains

9 Comments on Satisfying Matt Walsh Take-Down of One of the World’s Most Insufferable Shitferbrains

  1. Grandkids are homeschooled. FAR ahead of neighbor kids from public schools that spend half the day brainwashing kids with hate-America, commie good, global warming, homos are awesome, government over parents, military bad, cops are pigs, DEI, affirmative action, BLM, and child sex propaganda.

  2. My wife and I homeschooled our 3 kids and we probably broke every rule doing so. They never spent a day in public screwels and turned out better for it. They are all productive, have good jobs and are happy well satisfied citizens. And we wouldn’t have done it any other way and were better off for dissing the pubic schools which have become shithavens in our present day and age. Public schools became a wasteland after the late 60’s and early 70’s when I attended them, and my wife and her 2 sisters grew up Catholic and went to parochial schools including the all-female HS Marycliff which closed its doors in the mid 70’s. All 6 of her brothers went to Gonzaga Prep. Public schools can kiss my ass, I hated HS, it was like 4 years of teenage prison until I turned 18 and left home to start my adult life.

  3. … then there is the English accent which as we all know adds 20 IQ points to anything! s/
    We have a Lexus dealer advertising the Lexus, a car made in Japan, not in England, narrated by a well-healed man with an English accent that sounds sooooo intelligent that you should take his advice and buy one right away! It always make me scratch my head every time I hear it!

  4. We homeschooled one of ours because as a dyslexic kid they kept putting him in the lowest level classes.
    He ended up reading more difficult books than the supposed advanced placement students and doing so well, the principal got online classes approved for kids who don’t do well in traditional classrooms.
    If I had kids today, they’d all be homeschooled. There are so many resources that the most difficult thing is getting out of the both parents have to work syndrome.
    I couldn’t make it through the video. Oliver and his audience of phony laugh tracks was too much.

  5. One daughter homeschools one of our grandsons, and one niece homeschools her son. Both kids are doing all their schoolwork well in advance of their grade-level. A co-worker of mine homeschooled his kids back in the 90’s, the oldest of them was the first home-schooled individual to attend West Point.

  6. I should mention, that both of the kids I mentioned above who are home schooled finish all their assignments before noon, rather than spending 6 hours at the government indoctrination center.


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