Saudi Arabia Now Owns Stakes In Companies That Possess the DNC’s Voter List – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia Now Owns Stakes In Companies That Possess the DNC’s Voter List

Political Insider: According to a new report from The Intercept, the Saudi government is now an investor for several private firms which happen to be in possession of not only all the software that runs the Democratic Party, but also the entirety of the voter list for the Democratic National Committee.

The company which is owned by the Saudi Arabian government, Sanabil Investments, is responsible for Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund. This news broke after Sanabil released a list of investments in venture capital, buyout firms, as well as start ups. What stuck out though was two firms specifically that were invested into several years ago.

EveryAction and NGP VAN were two American companies that Sanabil bought into. These two just so happen to make up the backbone of the DNC’s campaign operations online. MORE

3 Comments on Saudi Arabia Now Owns Stakes In Companies That Possess the DNC’s Voter List

  1. Watch how They make 20K Sudanese Imports out of thin air and some bureaucrat in the Deep State can give out Dual American Citizenships with a quiet behind the scenes Biden Presidential signature and Banker Promise Margerine.

    An Artificial Intell group could probably make this up


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