Saudi Arabia says Houthis launched attacks after Biden de-listed Iranian-backed group as terrorists – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia says Houthis launched attacks after Biden de-listed Iranian-backed group as terrorists

Just The News

Iranian-backed Houthi extremists launched missiles and drones at energy and water desalination facilities in Saudi Arabia, according to an announcement on Sunday from the Saudi Ministry of Energy.

Late Saturday evening, a drone attack was launched on a petroleum products distribution terminal in Jizan, located in southwest Saudi Arabia near Yemen, a Ministry of Energy spokesman said in a press release.

Two more drone attacks were made on Sunday morning around 5:30 a.m. local time on both a natural gas plant and in a Chinese-Saudi oil refinery facility in Yanbu, located along the Red Sea about 11 hours north of Jizan. The attack on the refinery lead to a temporary reduction in production. 

No casualties occurred during the assaults, the Energy Ministry stated.

The ministry spokesman “stressed that the Kingdom strongly condemns these attacks and said that such acts of sabotage and terrorism, repeatedly committed against vital installations and civilian facilities, including, for example, the recent attack on the Riyadh refinery, are cowardly assaults that violate international laws and norms and do not just target the Kingdom alone, but the security and stability of energy supply to the world, therefore targeting the global economy,” according to the agency press release.  read more here

6 Comments on Saudi Arabia says Houthis launched attacks after Biden de-listed Iranian-backed group as terrorists

  1. And now we know why they won’t pick up the phone and answer Biden’s call for increased Oil production.

    There is also a move towards the world being able to purchase Oil in “Other”than US Dollars.

    That WILL lead to more devaluation of $US and make inflation Worse yet.

    FJB! (I bet he wishes he asked for 20% for the “Big Guy” Now)

  2. They knew the Houthis would do this. In the words of the State Dept official who told reporters, “has nothing to do with our view of the Houthis and their reprehensible conduct, including attacks against civilians and the kidnapping of American citizens.”


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