Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with Iran after embassy attack – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with Iran after embassy attack

WashingtonExaminer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia severed all diplomatic ties with Iran Sunday, the Saudi foreign minister announced in a press conference.

fire line

The major diplomatic move comes after Iranian protestors stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran Saturday night in response to the execution of 47 people suspected of being terrorists. Among them was the Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, whose death was condemned by the Ayatollah Khamenei.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Iran’s diplomats had 48 hours to get out of the country.  MORE

Snip: See also- 

Rand Paul: Saudi Arabia is a Middle East ‘arsonist’.

14 Comments on Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with Iran after embassy attack

  1. When it comes to international relations, a nation’s “morality” is based primarily on power and wealth, and oil is money. We’ve been trading blood for oil for over a hundred years, and that’s not likely to change any time soon.

  2. Speaking of human rights, the UN all powerful all seeing human rights committee has come up with a plan year after year, decade after decade, to continue watching for human rights. Each year they report on the countries they are watching then continue to watch them. And of course we are paying for it.

  3. My neighbor is from Saudi Arabia. Hands down the best neighbor I’ve ever had. We pulled up in our moving truck and he came right over wanting to help us all move in. I politely declined because I told him I’d be a bad neighbor to have him move all my stuff inside. We both laughed. He’d never go back to his homeland because he knows he’d be lashed for drinking Bud Light. He knows that’s bull?. Can that be read as bullpoopy too?

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