Saudi TV host: We must admit that terrorists “adhere to the religion of Islam” – IOTW Report

Saudi TV host: We must admit that terrorists “adhere to the religion of Islam”

saudi tv host islam

Jihad Watch: A refreshing and highly unusual moment of truth on Saudi TV. ” We must admit that they are present everywhere, that their nationality is Arab, and that they adhere to the religion of Islam. We must acknowledge that we are the ones who gave birth to them, and who have made them memorize the teachings of all the Salafi books. We must admit that it is the schools and universities that we established that told them the others are infidels.” You can’t even say that on American TV.  more here

10 Comments on Saudi TV host: We must admit that terrorists “adhere to the religion of Islam”

  1. Has anyone seen her since she made this appearance? Based on my experience with the wahabbiests in Saudi Arabia, my guess is that she is either dead, locked up or fleeing for her life.

    She is absolutely correct, but being right isn’t a bullet proof vest (to paraphrase Ray Liotta in the movie “Copland”). I suspect she will be dealt with very harshly by the “Royals” in Saudi Arabia if she is found.

  2. Back in the 50’s my mother would tell my friends that if they couldn’t play nice,
    they were no longer welcome at my house. Which had an in ground pool.

  3. She plainly and truthfully states what obama, his administration, military brass, congress and media refuse to acknowledge.

    Jihad, their lies, murder, genocide, slavery and domination by the muslim world is not a new development. How can our leaders ignore over 1700 years of history, continue the lie when the truth is before your face, in the media daily and in our history books.

  4. She’s being broadcast from Qatar. Hence, the lack of hijab/niqab. If she was in Saudi, she’d be arrested by the moral police, and executed by beheading, no doubt. And while I applaud her for most of what she’s saying, she still doesn’t place the blame of Muslim savagery where it belongs: the Quran and Hadith.

  5. It ain’t write to blame izlamic terrorism on izlamic terrorists … cuz … uhh … well … that’s all racist, and shit! See, it’s jus like blaming the fukkin mexicans for speakin funny when they jus wanna bunch of free shit that we’re gonna give away to the fukkin nig … uhh … that … its only rite to help the useless – like the bibble sez … see, y’all aint’ tryly Kristchens, anyhowze … or yude give all yer shit to the beggars and incontinents …

  6. another swing and a miss

    you cannot both criticize terrorism and defend the koran because it is a muslim’s duty to spread islam by any means whatsoever

    i trust nothing muslims who have not rejected the ideology outright

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