Saudi Woman Offers Daughter As Gift to Hero Police Officer – IOTW Report

Saudi Woman Offers Daughter As Gift to Hero Police Officer

Clarion Project: A Saudi woman named Umm Ahmad decided to give her 22-year-old daughter as a gift to policeman Jubran Awaji, after she learned Awaji had shot and killed a terrorist in Riyadh.

“I immediately announced to my daughter, Alaa, who saw a video of the incident, that I was proud of this man who risked his life and I wished that he would become my son-in-law and marry her,” Umm Ahmad told media.

She said she doesn’t mind if her daughter becomes Awaji’s second or even third wife and said that her offer was genuine and sincere. She said she doesn’t want the mahr (bride price) and will pay the expenses of the marriage.  MORE

24 Comments on Saudi Woman Offers Daughter As Gift to Hero Police Officer

  1. When all of the women wear grain sacks over their bodies head to toe, there can be no standard of beauty vs ugliness. There’s nothing to compare one against another. So unless she smells like a menstruating mule it’s probably a great gift. I’d prefer something from LL Bean or Duluth Trading Company, but that’s just me.

  2. Can she cook?

    “My wife is such a lousey cook that if I leave dental floss in the
    kitchen, the roaches hang themselves”

    My partner’s cooking is so bad that we pray AFTER we eat.

    Wife: “The two things I cook best are meatloaf and apple pie.”
    Husband: “Which is this?”

    Around my house no one ever sez, “Guess who’s coming to dinner”
    because nine times out of ten, it’s the paramedics.

  3. Guy kills terrorist.

    (Not his) Mom says “That’s the kind of man I want my daughter to marry.” (Stage whispering “Yeah, the one who’s already 22 and got zero offers.”)

    American pajama people say “OH NOES! TEH HORROR!”

    Oh, SMoD, even DJT can’t save us!

  4. 22 and they haven’t married her off yet? No wonder they’ll pay the bride ransom! I’m surprised they haven’t married her to a goat yet!

    ‘Cause islam respects women, ‘ya know…

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