Saudi Women to Be Notified of Divorce by Text Message – IOTW Report

Saudi Women to Be Notified of Divorce by Text Message


Women in Saudi Arabia who have been divorced by their husband will now be notified of their new marital status by a text.

The Saudi Ministry of Justice made the announcement on Sunday, with local lawyers suggesting the measure ends secret divorces – cases where Saudi men end a marriage without the knowledge of their former spouse.

The move is designed to be “a step aimed at protecting the rights of female clients, and enhancing digital transformation with more services,” according to the Ministry of Justice in a statement obtained by CNN.

The divorce certificate number and the name of the relevant court where the women can pick up the documentation will be part of the text notification.

Under previous statutes, Saudi men could trigger a divorce unilaterally without telling their wives, and women did not need to appear in court for divorces to be issued, according to a 2016 Human Rights Watch report on the country’s male guardianship system.

In addition, their marital status can be examined through a website. Probate certificates are also available on the site. MORE

6 Comments on Saudi Women to Be Notified of Divorce by Text Message

  1. Greetings [ ]:

    Your marriage to [ ] has been dissolved. Please choose from the following options:

    Text 1234 to acknowledge this text and do nothing further. The agency recommends this option for your personal safety.

    Text 4321 if you wish to return to junior high school.

    Text 1111 if you need this message forwarded to the police to report an honor killing or a necessary beating.

    Text 2222 if you want to contest these proceedings. NOTE: this will be sent to an unmonitored mail box.

    Your name will be added to the list of females eligible to be sold into further matrimony or slavery.

  2. This is soooooooooooooooooo efficient! Maybe one of our new hajib-wearing feminists will introduce such a bill into Congress. Or….. Linda Sarsour will scream at some “women’s” march (where genitals do not apply) about how liberating this will be for the women…. …..who are left. ….Lady in Red


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