Saudis Arrest 11 Princes and A Number of Former Ministers – IOTW Report

Saudis Arrest 11 Princes and A Number of Former Ministers

In a sudden move yesterday, King Salman sacked a number of powerful princes from key security positions and arrested dozens of foreign ministers in what appears to be a massive effort to stamp out corruption in the Saudi kingdom.

Among those removed from power was the head of the nation’s National Guard, Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, and the extremely wealthy  Prince al-Waleed bin Talal. The action was taken upon the recommendations of the recently created anti-corruption committee, headed by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman who with the earlier ouster of Prince Mohammad bin Nayef, Salman appears to have secured his eventual line to the throne.


Those arrested are reportedly being held at the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh.

11 Comments on Saudis Arrest 11 Princes and A Number of Former Ministers

  1. Tony R – maybe you’re not far wrong. Did you see President Trump’s tweet the other day about Aramco IPO? Left-wing news said Trump was “pleading with Saudi Arabia” but what if it was a signal that the agreement he made with them when he was there (i.e. you clean house and I’ll support you) was a go?

  2. you need to read Shad Olsons post on facebook. Here is a bit of it. This should be required reading for everyone at IOTWR.

    To simplify, for those skeptical about what’s happening currently in the two-headed snake intrigue in Saudi Arabia: The man and organization that amounts to the Saudi Arabian version of George Soros has been arrested in a massive dragnet of corrupt actors, along with dozens of his cohorts implicated in a political and NGO money laundering and bribery scheme that allowed the transfer of billions (B) of dollars to politicians in the United States and around the world.
    It is also a known fact that this Saudi Arabian ‘Soros’ is the link in the chain providing seminal funding in the rise of ISIS and the arming of Saudi private military companies, that formed the backbone of the mercenary ‘uprising squad’ that drove the regime changes in Yemen, Egypt, Libya and (attempted) Syria. That includes ETS Risk Management/Security Services International, the firm I posted about two weeks ago as having been active and on the ground in Las Vegas during the mass shooting last month. ETS, as I told you then, was in charge of security for the Saudi Arabian air force which was meeting in Las Vegas and was occupying the top five floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Prince bin Talal himself has private access to those top five floors as matter of contract with the Mandalay. Hmmm. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
    If you want to understand the nonsensical and damn treasonous American foreign policy under the Obama/Clinton regime, look no further than the pockets of Prince Bin Talal and the massive streams of cash given to the Clinton Foundation, the Podesta Group and others, under the auspices and cover of phony not for profit organizations controlled by Bin Talal in Saudi Arabia. These payments, along with those hidden by domestic law firms for things like fake Russian dossiers and OPO hit pieces on Donald Trump are and were completely illegal under US election law. Illegal. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
    Documents linking these organizations to Podesta, Hillary and the DNC are already in possession of investigators in Saudi Arabia, amounting to what appears a very clever end around the stalemate in the Sessions-Rosenstein DOJ. If you don’t understand these linkages and why they matter, you’ll dismiss this revelation as inconsequential, to your own peril. I may be early popping the celebratory cork sometimes….but I’m rarely wrong.

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