Saudis vow to sell US assets if Congress decides gov was involved in 9/11 – IOTW Report

Saudis vow to sell US assets if Congress decides gov was involved in 9/11

FOX news: Saudi Arabia has reportedly told the Obama administration and congressional leaders that it will sell billions of dollars in U.S. financial assets if Congress passes a bill to make the Saudi government legally responsible for any role in the 9/11 attacks.

saudi 911

The administration has tried to stop Congress from passing the legislation, a bipartisan Senate bill, since Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Juberi last month told Washington lawmakers his country’s position, according to The New York Times.

Al-Juberi purportedly informed the lawmakers during a trip to Washington that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell as much as $750 billion in Treasury securities and other American financial assets on the world market, fearing the legislation could become law and U.S. courts would then freeze the assets. more

19 Comments on Saudis vow to sell US assets if Congress decides gov was involved in 9/11

  1. And just where were 15 of the 19 hijackers from?

    And just where were they indoctrinated and trained?

    And just where is Mecca and Medina located?

    I could go on all night, but the answer will always be Saudi Arabia!

  2. Screw the House of Saud
    If Lazlo were President I would drill so much oil that in a decade the most lucrative business to be done in that heathen land would be to operate Camel Ride business

  3. The Saudi’s are in for a surprise when then find out that their American assets are already worthless. The IMF, the past two administrations, and the Federal Reserve has seen to that in a most efficient way.

    The joke’s on you, Mohammed.

  4. Fucking posted this twice and it keeps evaporating, I can draw and shoot a Koran carrying MoFo in the face concealed in under 1 second. I’m not alone. Sooner or later THEY will meet US. Lotta Libs will die before that happens. I’m bored. Let’s get it on.

  5. Desert inbred fucks are already eating each other. Fold those useless deeds like a bunch of accordions and fan yourselves when the power goes out, and enjoy 120 degrees, motherfuckers!

  6. Guess they can recoup their losses from the used goat fucking market once they revert back to living in tents and picking the processed dates out of the camel dung for snacks, aloha snackbar to the religion of pieces of shit…

  7. “… $750 billion in Treasury securities …”

    May as well be monopoly money …
    or Saudi money.

    They can’t even use it as toilet paper, cuz they wipe their asses with their hands!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The jokes about the money being worthless amount to whistling past the graveyard.
    We couldn’t suddenly monetize $3/4Trillion in our current situation without dire consequences. Soetoro doubled our national debt for just this reason. So that the oil rich muslim countries could call the shots here.
    The situation is very dangerous.

  9. sell as much as $750 billion in Treasury securities and other American financial assets

    BFD. That’s 6 months of an Obama budget deficit.

    If America had real leadership, we would have invaded on 9/12/2001, wiped them out and cornered the market on sand and oil.

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