Savage BLM Mob Attack Elderly Man – IOTW Report

Savage BLM Mob Attack Elderly Man

When the pants fall off, leave the guy alone.

I’ve been watching these white BLM idiots and I’m not buying it. I don’t believe they care about black people as much as they claim. I can fathom a few people here and there can be that empathetic, but the amount of people across the country, out on the streets, putting their lives in danger because they feel so strongly about ALL BLACK LIVES is preposterous. It doesn’t jibe with the human condition, especially when there is no evidence of mass systemic oppression designed to keep the black man down. In fact, the opposite is true. Minorities never had as much help as what’s currently available.

No, once again the white leftist is using blacks as pawns to achieve an agenda that has little to do with caring for minorities. It’s about attaining power, and definitely not black power.

25 Comments on Savage BLM Mob Attack Elderly Man

  1. At least this time one person tried to stop it.
    Did you see all the losers who just filmed?
    I’d be so proud to have my son and daughter beating on some old guy because he holds a different opinion. (sarc)
    If I were these kids’ parents I’d dope slap them into next week.

  2. This isn’t about lives, black or otherwise; it’s about overthrowing the government of the United States. No amount of logic, reason, or fact will be acknowledged. Stop appealing to it (…”attempting the same thing over and over again despite it’s failure every time…”).

    Kinetics is all they understand, although they can not conceive of themselves being on the receiving end of it.

  3. Little bloodthirsty savages. The so-called “people’s anger” has morphed into inhuman savagery.

    Other antifas and BLM’rs will see that video and figure it’s open season on old guys and police supporters and anyone else who gets in their way.

    Hatred is spreading just like it did in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

  4. Billy Fuster: Agreed. I will not be a victim. If my life is under threat, the rioters will get shot. If they try to remove me from my vehicle I will accelerate. It will only end one way; I will go home to my family that night.

  5. Got nuthin to do with “race” or whose lives “matter.”

    It’s all about destroying Western Civilization – burning down the house – the imposition of totalitarianism under one guise or another.

    That we (our “leaders” and shit) pretend NOT to perceive the fact is astoundingly disingenuous (and potentially deadly). Dead cats are now getting voter applications – and the totalitarians persist in calling it “fairness” and no one calls them liars to their faces.

    The fuze will catch and then there’ll be Hell to pay.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Txn4Evr

    I think what will happen is that we will form local neighborhood Citizen Defense Groups. Not so much a national movement at the beginning. Later there may be an amalgamation. Maybe the local groups will eventually be deputized,

    Local leaders will get it started. The objective initially will be to protect our own homes and neighborhoods.

  7. As a Jesus disciple I believe that every person is created in God’s Image and is precious to our creation. All Lives Matter; but having said that I know that these people have made a conscious choice to reject God’s Law and love (and will be subject to HIS judgement) and are thus facing the sanctions of an orderly society who must deal with them – they must stop, repent, and make amends or be seperated from the society they reject. Whether that means simple incarceration or physical intervention – so be it.

    In other words cut it out or be cut out. I don’t care whose son or daughter you are, what color, or what victim card you carry.

  8. It’s a damn good thing these little ass holes have learned to attack as a mob or the upcoming civil war would be over in a couple minutes. What a bunch of pussies. Honestly, I’ve been sick, but I think I’m still good for about six of them.

  9. “As he was hit several times, some of the anti-police folks tried to de-escalate. ‘Get off him, man!’ ”

    Gosh, I hope the police didn’t exert themselves too much.

  10. I wonder how many of these thugs who are attacking white people these days were actually criminals who were released from prison and jail due to the virus? Or whatever excuse they’re using today.
    Kind of looks like a planned action of attack by the libs. Let thugs out of jail and watch what happens.

  11. It won’t stop until they invite the Feds to round up and prosecute. I don’t mean national guard or military. I mean Fed agencies directly involved with the state bureaus. I notice that lately the state bureau of investigation aren’t as shitty as the locals.

    Lure the assholes onto federal property and get them all at once. lol.
    And then run the videos on anti-Dem ads all throughout the country.

  12. I guarantee when kids go back to school in Fall, rioters will trash schools with kids still inside them. Is Oregon OK with that? Washington? California? How about Texas? Kansas? Florida? Nebraska? Every state has suburbs surrounding shithole ghettos and inner cities. Don’t think it won’t spread.

    In South America, the Middle East, and Africa- terrorists have absolutely no problem setting schools and churches on fire with people in them.

    I suspect Trump is trying to get the states to open up so that people can get back to work and the rioting will slow to a stop when people are no longer distracted, and it will remove some of the power and interest from blantifa. But if one or two states have the urge to hang themselves, there’s nothing you can do about them. That’s up to their citizens.

  13. FFS… Don’t show up to these things unless you’re ready to rumble.

    1. Be in shape.

    2. Know how to fight.

    3. Be ready to fight.

    If you can’t do those three things in any objective sense, then don’t go. Don’t show up because in your fevered imagination, you think you’re going to put these feral maggots in their place with your debating skills. They don’t give a shit. You don’t have to respect their stupid ideas to respect that they’re ready to hurt or kill you, and you better be prepared to defend yourself or stay home.

  14. @The Mule

    That’s good advice. I’m too old to physically fight, but I will protect my home and family with firearms, if I had to. I hope I don’t have to, but I am psychologically ready.


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