If New York, Connecticut, and New England had their Pipelines, savings from Heating alone would go down $2,300 per family — When you add Air Conditioning, and other things, you would have a $5,000 savings per family. All we need is a simple approval from New York. Every other State in New England, plus Connecticut, wants this, in order to help the Environment, and save BIG money. We only need the final approval from New York State, whose people all want it. Otherwise, we’ll have to use other authorities. New York State has held up this project for many years, but we won’t let that happen any longer. We will use federal approval!
Ohh, noo, oh no no no, I’m gonna vote democrap no matter what.
The Leftists will just create new Fossil Fuel Taxes to grab all these savings plus more back from the Taxpayers.
With that psycho hochul in office? Never happen.
Even if the liberal commies experienced such a savings, they would never admit to it, simply because it goes against their narrative.
I forget whether this issue falls under the Interstate Commerce Clause or the Second Amendment.
I love pipelines. Pipelines mean jobs. My wife works for a pipeline company. There are three pipelines running under my property. I’m forty yards from them as I’m typing this.