I'm so glad you asked! https://t.co/zvAtUHDAHM pic.twitter.com/OzRzDOQd57
— Nick Freitas (@NickForVA) November 5, 2021
14 Comments on Save This When Dipchitz Tell You That CRT is a Conservative Myth
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All your child are belong to us.
Liberals lie! Have lied for at least 62 years! Likely leberals are born liars!
“All your child are belong to us.“ COME AT ME BRO!
^^ Perhaps an understanding of the pop culture reference as well as an appreciation of satire might be helpful for you? Excuse me if I misunderstand your apparent hostility.
Mick Freitis had his election stolen from him when the Dems found a thumb drive at 11pm with 15,000 “votes” stored that just had to be counted.
Sorry about your luck
NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 9:34 AM
“^^ Perhaps an understanding of the pop culture reference as well as an appreciation of satire might be helpful for you? Excuse me if I misunderstand your apparent hostility.”
So glad my kids are grown!
“Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state”-Vladimir Lenin
CRT is simply hard-core Racism on steroids cloaked as “anti-racism”!
Just like the Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Pause, Climate Change movement would have you think it’s about saving the Polar Bears when its actually about “black liberation”, racism, ending Capitalism, denouncing Western imperialism and killing the power of the West by strangling our energy sources!
I prefer to live, as I was taught as a youngster, by the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” but that’s never going to be acceptable to the disingenuous, deceiptful, screaming Hypocrites on the Left! They are Communists in sheeps clothing!
My bet is that the woman to his left did not listen to a word he said, and was singing “lah-la-lah, lah, lah, lah”, in her head all throughout his presentation.
Stirrin, I agree. As I was watching the video it occurred to me that based on the expressions on their faces, the speaker’s colleagues were thinking “How can we get this guy to shut up?”
What they’re doing is tuning people into RACITST!
And then they just change the name of CRT to something more acceptable.
Global warming
Climate Change
consider the fact that when “liberals” realized that their label identified them as a people with a left-wing agenda, a bloated government, and a socialist ideology they decided that they would prefer to be called “progressives” rather than liberals. Politicians who crusade for higher taxes, increased social services, gay rights, abortion rights, amnesty, etc. do not want to be known as “liberals,” but the word “progressive” seems to be more tasteful or socially acceptable.
“pro-choice,” “unintended pregnancies,” “pregnancy discrimination,” and “evidence-based sex education.”
“pro-abortionists” decided to change the rhetoric to a more palatable term – “pro-choice.”
Deroy Murdock, writing in National Review, states, “America’s Democratic Left craftily swaps the words associated with its policies. As public opinion or the facts start to escape them, presto! Their speeches, articles, and TV appearances employ new language. Leftists leave inconvenient lingo behind, like a snake’s abandoned skin languishing between desert rocks. Inexplicably, though, the Republican Right usually adopts the Left’s new parlance. This inadvertently advances the collectivist cause.”
“Liberal ideologues redefine words to help advance a religious, political, environmental, scientific or social agenda. Never mind that to do so is to pervert the truth. Their motto is ‘The end justifies the means’ or to be more precise: Do whatever it is you must in order to get the result you want, regardless of the methods used. “It does not matter whether these methods are legal or illegal, fair or foul, kind or cruel, truth or lies, democratic or dictatorial, good or evil.”
The problem today is that we have a lethargic, apathetic population that seems to be abysmally unaware of what is happening in our society and what some wily and unscrupulous people are doing to our language. Words matter, and many are being deceived by the clever semantics of those who have a nefarious agenda. We must wake up, refuse to believe a lie, rebuke those who propagate deceitful words.