Say, Doesn’t Iran Look . . . Pretty Isolated Lately? – IOTW Report

Say, Doesn’t Iran Look . . . Pretty Isolated Lately?

NR| Jim Geraghty- On the menu this morning: The dirty little secret that the Iranian regime has no allies, is sputtering on fumes economically, and has good reason to fear a bigger conflict with the United States; the Democrats realize they may not have a clear frontrunner after Super Tuesday; a weird new longest-of-longshot presidential candidate; and an update that thing that seemed really important in December but that we’ve all forgotten about now.

Say, Doesn’t Iran Look . . . Pretty Isolated Lately?

The U.S. strike that killed Qasem Soleimani is not primarily a Donald Trump story, although he’s clearly the man who ordered it and made it happen. Soleimani had enemies around the world, and his legacy is not merely the 608 American troops killed by improvised explosive devices in Iraq between 2003 and 2011. Soleimani financed, trained, armed, and commanded various militias and factions in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Every foe of those groups, as well as dissidents of the regime in Iran, all are rejoicing about his death, either publicly or secretly.

We keep hearing about how global power is shifting away from the United States and towards China and Russia, and in some arguments, Iran. There are still good reasons to worry about the long-term trend, but . . . do you notice that China and Russia are, so far, only offering rhetorical support to Iran? China has its own problems to deal with, particularly in Hong Kong. China needs Iran’s oil, and Iran needs China as a buyer of its oil. China does not want the situation to blow up even worse and disrupt Iranian oil shipments.

Meanwhile, in the past week, oil prices are up five percent. Russia doesn’t mind that; it’s the world’s second-biggest oil exporter. As far as Russia’s concerned, this is all good news.

“Russia doesn’t have the slightest intention of getting involved in this squabble, and is trying to distance itself from it as far as possible—even though it will keep expressing support for Iran with very loud declarations,” said Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow think tank that advises Russia’s defense establishment.

“Short-term at least, this is all beneficial to Russia: oil prices are up, and the Iranians—a very difficult partner—are being forced to become much more cooperative,” he added.

Notice that you’re not seeing the usual complaints about a “war for oil.” Even the anti-war crowd has realized that the United States imports way less oil than it used to, and only 16 percent of our imports in 2018 came from Persian Gulf countries. (We have never really needed oil from Iran.) Those crowds in the streets of Iranian cities are full of nationalist fervor now. But the situation for the Iranian economy is dire — and will get even worse if this conflict escalates. read more

17 Comments on Say, Doesn’t Iran Look . . . Pretty Isolated Lately?

  1. How effing stupid can you be? Iran now has the full support of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and every Shia community in th ME. Every major power, Russia ad China, is against us. We are isolated and alone. We aare truly effed. Wake up!

  2. Iran navy?….gone in 12 hours. Iran oilfields?…gone overnight. Iran nuclear program?….gone the same night…fight it from the skies and DON’T SEND GROUND TROOPS…..

  3. The crowds in the streets of Iranian cities may have fervor, but don’t assume it is in support of their government or hatred of USA.
    And any military action they take will be met immediately. All they can really do is puff out their chests and bloviate threats.

  4. IRAN would be big time isolated if the

    USA smellocratic party would

    ” DISTANCE ” themselves from them.

    Instead ,

    the smellocrats want to absorb them into

    their political sphere of so-called intelligence


    That this probably TREASONESS

  5. We did what we should have done long a go They have spent 8 yrs of ass kissing from the Dick Head Mom Jeans guy who was scared of his own shadow and probably had to get the OK from Mooch, Val jar and Soros before he could wipe his ass. If they decide to help the 12th Imam to show up, take out there Command and Control Sites, Air Fields, Naval Facilities, IRCG sites, Oil Facilities, and anything that floats, flies. I would leave their Curtural Sites and anything important to their normal every day suppressed people alone. They are already pissed at the assholes in charge. We don’t need anything that the Mualls can use to unite the people. We might be able to cause eneough dammage to regime to help them Escape their chains


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