Say Goodnight, Scarlett – IOTW Report

Say Goodnight, Scarlett

32 Comments on Say Goodnight, Scarlett

  1. “Moon”?????

    She actually pretends to think that Trump intends to destroy the Moon?

    Goodnight Hollywood Leftist twits.
    America is moving on and leaving the likes of you behind.


  2. How could such a hot body house such a misinformed brain?

    Tsk, tsk.

    Still, nothing a judiciously applied piece of duck tape wouldn’t cure, for a couple of hours of fun and harmless humiliation.



  3. Feel sorry for her. She doesn’t realize how she’s being used.
    The Hollywood types follow the directions of their agents and promoters.
    Perfect example is the totally scripted and staged academy awards.
    She’s doing as she’s told to keep her career going.
    Non-cooperation can end your career.
    Many others including ” super stars ” have done the same thing rather than look for another way to make a living.
    Very sad but indicative of how being famous can be a prison.

  4. Moon? It meant to say Mooch.
    And Goodnight Science?! No doubt she means AlGore grade ‘science’.

    I know VERY few leftists who are competent in the scientific method, because it requires honesty and intellectual integrity.

  5. I miss old Hollywood with John Wayne and Bette Davis and the rest of those great actors. What we have today are a bunch of narcissistic, psychotic and uncreative denizens of puke. Has there even been an original story from them in the past 10 years? They regurgitate older movies that came out less than 20 years ago.

  6. Good night sweet prinxe:
    And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!

    Celebrity suicide is such sweet sorrow.

    Or maybe xhe’s just moving to Canada.
    What’s in a name? that which we call a merica
    By any other name would worship my tweets.

    So Scarlett, sweet Scarlett, why are you still here?

  7. “I know VERY few leftists who are competent in the scientific method, because it requires honesty and intellectual integrity.” Anonymous (above)

    Actually, there are very few so called “scientists” who are competent in the scientific method.

  8. And Gaia bless Hillary, and Obama sure.
    And Gaia bless humanism, oh so pure.
    And Gaia bless, ANTIFA who’s cause is right.
    And Gaia bless any cause that’s anti male and white.
    A globalist agenda with borders open.
    The end of free markets is what I’m hoping.
    Where economical equality is a guarantee.
    While 20 % of the box office is the dogmatic for me.
    I pray this in Gaia’s name.
    In the name of the Mother and of the the Daughter and of the Virtuous Vagina,

  9. I know that she’s been in some movies, but I don’t recall seeing any of them. I may have, but I can’t name one. Hollywood “stars” these days don’t interest me, because most of them suck. I’m sure she does, too.

  10. Not enough to be a complete imbecile, but must she advertise the fact?

    “Hey! Look at ME! I’m a FOOL!” would have been more understandable to the peeps she’s trying to reach.

    izlamo delenda est …

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