‘Say hello to oyster bunnies’: Biden flubs Easter Egg Roll speech – IOTW Report

‘Say hello to oyster bunnies’: Biden flubs Easter Egg Roll speech

NBC:  President Joe Biden mispronounced “Easter bunnies” during the White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday.

The president encouraged attendees to greet what he appeared to refer to as the “oyster bunnies.”

Thanks everybody. And by the way, say ‘hello’ to oyster bunnies,” he said.

Biden, who is known for making verbal gaffes, has sparked concern among voters regarding his cognitive fitness. A poll conducted days prior to the State of the Union address found roughly 6 in 10 Americans were not confident in the president’s intellectual capabilities. more here

h/t PHenry.

Courtesy of Diogenes’ Middle Finger. <— Go say hi.

17 Comments on ‘Say hello to oyster bunnies’: Biden flubs Easter Egg Roll speech

  1. Joe Biden mispronounced “Easter bunnies” during the White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday.

    No doubt due to the potatoes on the brain (whutz left of it) and in his ass…

  2. Other DC Easter egg roll story today about other past presidents’ dogs frolicking with the kiddies over the years.
    I guess Biden’s dog, Commander, wasn’t invited.
    Too busy biting Secret Service agents I guess.

  3. Biden denies designating Easter as the ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
    Having become aware of the outrage, Biden has now denied that he made that proclamation. It’s proof, as if we need it that Biden is either (a) demented, (b) a puppet, or (c) a compulsive liar. If this were a multiple choice, my answer would be “all of the above.”


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