Say It Ain’t So, Santa – IOTW Report

Say It Ain’t So, Santa

The story that we published about a dying boy’s last words, “help me Santa,” has been revealed to be less than truthful.

Santa made the entire thing up.



25 Comments on Say It Ain’t So, Santa

  1. “…“I’ve gotten a big response to this,” Venable told CNN…”

    What you got was your 15 minutes of fame Asshole.

    I hope it was worth the 15 months of unemployment that you will be experiencing looking for a new profession.

  2. Even Denzel Washington blasted the media for selling BS. The media is always too eager to pounce on a hate crime story or something like this. There are a lot of mental cases out there willing to spin whatever yarn to get some attention and fame.

  3. “When there was no name of the boy, or the mother, I was suspicious, but I thought maybe the people wanted to stay out of the story.”

    Or no Nurse, hospital, etc. My BS meter was pegged. I guess truth is no longer held in high regard. The journalist that covered this story is an idiot. As well as the editor of the paper.

  4. Or maybe Santa didn’t want the press to pester the parents/hospital staff at a time like this; because you can bet the soulless assholes would.
    Don’t cooperate with the press, the press gets even.
    “…in a note published online Wednesday, Venable and News Sentinel editor Jack McElroy said they were unable to verify the account after it was published because Schmitt-Matzen refused to provide the identities of the child’s family or the nurse …”

  5. OTOH,
    1. many of us WANTED to believe that an adult would be so kind to a suffering child, am I right? Perhaps the idea planted WILL actually be done, in some respect, when the occasion arises.

    2. many of us, consume too much “news” and are at the mercy of the integrity of the “journalist” ladling out the slop. Lesson: enjoy the holidays by tuning out the constant drone of worthless “news”. And “don’t believe anything you hear and half of what you see”.

  6. What mother would leave the room while her child was dying? This story had Bull Shit written all over it.
    But then again a laughed out load when John Voight died with Ricky Schroder standing next to him. And at all episodes of Lassie.Old Yeller was particularly funny.

  7. Mark Levin played the whole thing on his social media/ LevinTV.
    Tell you the truth, I was skeptical. I wonder if he will bring the subject up tonight after he stops screaming about Trumps appointments. I’ll tune in.

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