Say What You Want About the Dude, He is SPOT ON – IOTW Report

Say What You Want About the Dude, He is SPOT ON

The smartest Haitian on the planet continues to spread disinformation with impunity.

Why does she do this? See the video below.

12 Comments on Say What You Want About the Dude, He is SPOT ON

  1. When it comes to guns, it’s all about “the children”.
    When comes to abortion, they can’t kill “the children” fast enough.

    Some of the 85,000 missing children, were probably used for the decline in dead baby parts.

  2. @TSUNAMI The ONLY thing standing in the way of the overlords complete triumph at this time is the United States citizenry owning firearms in large quantities. There is absolutely nothing else in the way. A two word reply would have sufficed: you’re right.

  3. They need the guns and they need a Central Bank Digital currency. Actually they might just need the CBDC. They can shut your world down with that and bring you to submission.
    Heck with a crooked DOJ, could they not use AI to create pictures, videos, and audio of you doing anything they want.

  4. Succinct, accurate, bare bones definition of Marxism. Tate is brilliant and a hypocrite. He arrogantly decided, to ignore his own analysis about progressivism, chosing to live in Romania, a country still influenced by socialism. What a contradiction.


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