Say What You Will About The Donald – He Did Manage To Reveal Jeb Bush is Everything His Supporters Accused Trump of Being – IOTW Report

Say What You Will About The Donald – He Did Manage To Reveal Jeb Bush is Everything His Supporters Accused Trump of Being

Jeb Bush is thin-skinned and can’t resist getting into an adolescent tit-for-tat dick measuring contest with Donald Trump.

Their back and forth with the attack ads and videos puts them pretty much in the same boat if anyone wants to claim Trump is crass and childish.

Jeb’s latest? Trump is a germophobe.

Next up – Trump lets the water run while he brushes his teeth.

17 Comments on Say What You Will About The Donald – He Did Manage To Reveal Jeb Bush is Everything His Supporters Accused Trump of Being

  1. Wee boy bush is going up against the Chuck Norris nominee. This is going to fun. For too long the Repubs and RINO’s have taken my vote for granted and the awakening is just starting.

  2. The way I generally see it
    – I have no idea if Trump would be a good President or be horrible.
    – I’m pretty certain Jub would be horrible
    – I am absolutely certain Hillary would be horrible.

  3. So the paper bag that Jeb is in, is the bag dry or wet?

    He sucks and needs to frig right the hell off. Heck, Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would kick Jeb’s ass in this shit show!

  4. Donald Trump is no conservative, and may not even be a REPUBLICAN (If Mush Mouth Mitch is the standard then there is no standard), but he is an American, who loves America, and wants America to be great again, and right now that’s good enough for me. Kick Ass Take Names Trump 2016

  5. I am on him like a fly on shit. Jeb’s retort was lame. I will continue to be on these lame ass establishment candidates like you cannot believe. There has never been someone as brilliant as me to spank these asses!

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