Saying Goodbye to Pride Month – IOTW Report

Saying Goodbye to Pride Month

The Silicon Graybeard:

I think these will be the first words I’ve ever written about pride month.  For a simple reason: I don’t believe in their premise.  According to National Today website (a place that lists all of those “today is National whatever day” holidays):

June is Pride Month, a month to celebrate gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and asexual people, plus all other sexual orientations and genders. 

So pardon me if I don’t play along. 

My definition of pride doesn’t include sexual orientation in any way whatsoever.  Pride is for things an individual has accomplished.  Pride doesn’t extend to nationality, race, or anything a person has no control over (which clearly includes any of those sexual orientations they celebrate if people are truly “born that way”).  I don’t see how pride could have anything to do with who or what you have sex with.  read more

32 Comments on Saying Goodbye to Pride Month

  1. It’s real Pride Month now that June is over since we’re 4 days away from the 4th of July and we get to celebrate the 243rd anniversary of the signing of The Declaration Of Independence from Great Britain. Now that’s real pride for what our forefathers did for us in giving us the freedoms we enjoy to this day. I don’t see how you can be proud to be a queer and expect everyone to agree with you.

  2. June is Pride Month, a month to celebrate hetero people, plus all other sexual orientations and genders.

    They COULD say the same thing with fewer words. Afterall, most people are hetero, thereby making the shorter statement more inclusive. Why attempt a shortened list of unlimited genders that just excludes specific groups as well as the largest group of them all?

  3. Hmmm Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins.. it is the taproot from which all other sins flow. Don’t know who said this but it is a worthy definition:

    “Pride is that ugly part of your heart that causes you to be more concerned about yourself and your own reputation than you are about Christ and his.” And I would add your fellow man. It is the antithesis of blessed humility.

  4. ABC this a.m had a special set complete with gay theme and welcomed some faggot with “we’re so glad to have you here.” WHY on earth WHY? Are you ALL sick?

  5. A.Moose JUNE 30, 2019 AT 11:43 AM
    “ABC this a.m had a special set complete with gay theme and welcomed some faggot with “we’re so glad to have you here.” WHY on earth WHY? Are you ALL sick?”

    …one wonders if they will do another show where they say, “And now, please welcome Mr. Smith, who proudly has sex with a woman he’s married to”, since we’re having shows where we announce what someone does in the bedroom anyway…

    …Seems like that would be newsworthy NOW by their OWN narrative, since they are trying like HELL to convince us WE’RE the strange ones…

  6. A.Moose JUNE 30, 2019 AT 11:43 AM
    “WHY on earth WHY? Are you ALL sick?”

    …yes they are. But, that’s ANOTHER reason they foisted Obama, the first gay president, on us. That allowed them to use the Caligula definition of sanity whereby you redefine it to be whatever your favorite ruler does, which pushes the NORMAL folks into their crazy column by default and design, in order to justify their re-education in the name of “sanity”.

    …and Caligula didn’t have the clapping seals in the media OR the entire “educational” establishment in Rome on his side, either, which is why he only lasted a couple of years, while the modern Democrat travesty has been going on at LEAST since the male Clinton had a Presidency you can’t discuss without an R rating minimum…

  7. My idea is that you should always show respect to gays, trannies whatever. For one thing, why not? Secondly, to criticize or disrespect them is exactly what they want anyway, to fuel their marches and their contrived victimhood. Back in the 1800’s Oscar Wilde toured the West as a gay man. EVEN back then, all he got back was good-natured banter. He was like the first stand up comedian, openly gay, and people just had a good time with it. Even in the 1800’s this country hardly gave a krap about what people did in their own bedroom. There’s a tranny butcher in my town (true) and I just treat him/her like any other. We’re friends. Do not criticize, disrespect or even notice gays. It’s the American way. And once again, they WANT you to stare, deride and belittle them. It’s their lifeblood. Don’t give it to them.

  8. I sit here reading this as the fat “man” of the fat lesbian couple who lives behind me walks to the car with their black daughter. Ugh.
    Instead of the equal sign stickers on their vehicles, usually Subarus, they need bumper stickers that say, “I love to advertise how I have sex”.

  9. Let’s just have a Sex Month, and celebrate that the human race contains such deviants that it’s guaranteed you’ll be able to find people who will fuck anything or anybody, any time, any place.

  10. @Hippie Critic, that’s what I think every time Mayor Butt. opens his mouth. He always sounds like he’s trying to justify his lifestyle because he knows it’s wrong.
    Sort of like that old saying, Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

  11. Pride is what the degenerates want to feel rather than the guilt they feel for desiring degeneracy. But never fear. Pride gives way to psychotic hatred when they are not satisfied with achieving the outer limits of degeneracy and when they see you don’t take pride in their degeneracy.

  12. Anyone who works in corporate America know that Pride Month lasts all year.

    Anyone who watches movies know that Pride Month is extended to any day of the week that ends in the letter y.

    Anyone who lives in America knows that you are now considered a bigot if you declare that you will not date transgender people. And that goes for race too. If you don’t like someone of another race who wants to go out with you, then you must be racist against everyone of that denomination as well.

    Unlike all of the people of your same race or members of the opposite sex who you don’t want to date either.

  13. July 4 is a day to celebrate the independence made possible by white males AND their supporting female American loyalists fighting against English oppression. These same Americans’ images and statues that are now being hatefully stripped from public view by anti-American, Soros paid morons.

    A time to remember who “built and invented it all” and just say thanks!

    The Story of the Fourth of July

  14. IOTW Should have a Comment Hall of Fame or MVP of the Month Award. BFH, MJA, Dr.Tar, Claudia et al. could be the final arbiters.

    My first vote is for Vietvet:

    Vietvet JUNE 30, 2019 AT 11:14 AM
    Shouldn’t Pride Month be August? That way it could goeth before the Fall.


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