Saying He and She is Hurtful – IOTW Report

Saying He and She is Hurtful

How good is life in America where the biggest problem in someone’s life is that someone called them “she”?

I think some of these sh!theads need to visit a village in Ethiopia and tell some kid with a bowling ball belly and flies in his nostrils that I just insulted him because I keep writing “his” and “him.”



I’m sure this kid is concerned that we address mom as ZE. (Is “mom” okay to say? Or is it Parent A and Parent B?)



45 Comments on Saying He and She is Hurtful

  1. It’s like there’s no adequate way really to describe the stupifying levels of mental retarding being plumbed these days.

    Imagine the damage being done to the really young kids lately in public schools!?

  2. There is a microscopic inkling of humor in all of this shit, and that is the hapless fuck useful idiot holding the “ze” sign thinking he is going to get laid by throwing in with the feminazis.

  3. I think Tennessee has lost it’s right to be called a southern state. This one was Memphis – a few days ago I read about UT Knoxville doing the same thing. Here’s the “official” word on the proper way to use pronouns from the “director of the pride center”.

    Just in case you had any question as to what a “director of the pride center” might look like, here ya go.

  4. It wasn’t long ago that the fukkasz libtard “educators” demanded that we start replacing “his” with “his or hers” to be more “inclusive” and non-discriminatory against women.
    Wish they would just settle on one stupid fucking idea and STFU. It never ends!

  5. Next year they’ll have a “better” way.
    And the year after that they’ll have a “better” way, and so forth and so on.
    No they don’t!
    Chaos and Confusion in the name of Inclusion should be their slogan!
    Sorry, yer full of shit!

  6. It’s a good thing I don’t attend that school, where the professor is supposed to check attendance on the first day of classes by asking students to state their names and preferred pronouns.

    “I’m Yonkers, and my pronoun is ‘yours’– as in, ‘Up yours, you progtard shitfreaks.'”

  7. Ummmmm…these are the people who will be running what is left of this country (leave out the “o” if you wish)? Seriously…”Ze”?.

    Methinks the “folks” (Obamaism) in TN oughtta rethink where their tax money goes.

    I wuz eddicated at the skool of hard knocksville…

  8. Whatever happened to “science?” Facts and truth aren’t helpful to progs, only those nebulous and ever-changing “feelings.” And no one can ever keep up with all of the damn “feelings.”

  9. Soon, these idiot pawns of liberals, will PC themselves out of existence.

    Oh, oh, I might know where this is headed: numbers tattooed, (or the modern version of micro chipped under), our skin.

    But wait, don’t the idiots see a correlation between what the freedom snatching NAZIs did to ALL death/labor camp prisoners?

    Damn, I forget, the liberals have non-educated these robots, wiping out HISTORY and dulling the brain. THOSE DAMN DIRTY, BASTARDS.

    Stand in line”Ze”, hold out your arm, become the dog pound human the liberals want.

  10. “Give us your children”-Hitler
    “Red is grey, yellow, white..But WE decide which is right, and which is an illusion”-Moody Blues

    This is a push to make “The mob rule”, through deceptive means of course. And with a 54+% divorce rate, the parental influence on what is good and right certainly will have less influence, and schrewel a greater one.

  11. I would like to know the name of that Homosexual wearing the Atlanta Falcons football tee shirt. How laughable that a homosexual so sensitive to the violence perpetrated upon women by referring to them as a “she” would wear a shirt that represents a 100 % male dominated.

    One that excuses and coddles rapists and domestic violence predators. One that does not have one single openly TRANSGENDER or HOMOSEXUAL or QUEER player. One that chooses profit over principle knowing that the world will turn them off in massive numbers if they corrupt it to the point of having those freaks turn it into a weekly Gay Parade.

  12. This kind of crap makes me wish for an apocalypse. Meteor, pestilence, alien invasion, whatever, Anything to shut these sissies up.
    Liberal girly men and the women who control them make me puke
    My cave man ancestors would gladly kill and eat these two

  13. They are following the example from the negro/ black / African American/ etc lobby. 54 yrs ago I was born Caucasion / white
    has not changed. Maybe if you all spent time doing something to get ahead rather worrying about a label…..

  14. Once saw this one: “(s)he”
    Also, many people really screw up the pronouns, using “they” for a singlular noun reference just to avoid use of either he or she., e.g., Each [singular] contractor will ensure that their [plural] bid is properly submitted.

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