Saying Trump Has Dementia is Classic Transference, Deflecting the Spotlight From Nancy Pelosi – IOTW Report

Saying Trump Has Dementia is Classic Transference, Deflecting the Spotlight From Nancy Pelosi

There is something seriously wrong with this woman-

33 Comments on Saying Trump Has Dementia is Classic Transference, Deflecting the Spotlight From Nancy Pelosi

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it “fire” not wolf for a crowded theatre?
    Also, what is unconstitutional about warning people of coming danger?
    One more thing, is it ME or is she batshit crazy?

  2. I pray that the Dems never get rid of Nancy. She is the comic relief this county sorely needs.
    “My house is on wolf!”. Freakin funny and I’m stealing it….

  3. “If you are endangering people, you don’t have a Constitutional right to do that”-SanFranNan. Does this mean the demonrat party does NOT have a Constitutional right to EXIST ??

  4. Again, this looks like early onset of Alzheimer’s. Maxine Waters needs to be checked out as well.
    What I don’t hear is anyone talking about is Hillary’s fitness based on her behavior on election night. Supposedly drunk and violent, then a no-show. What if she had to face NoKo’s missile threat…..scotch on the rocks and throw something as Bill or at secret service agents and cry herself to sleep and avoid the press for two weeks?

  5. Nancy, Maxine Waters and Hank Johnson spend each day at the Capital in a day room supervised by nursing staff, who carefully administer their medication. On occasion one slips away ,finds a reporter and begins babbling until located by staff and returned.

  6. We’re all getting Bored of the Things:

    The night was as clear as an elfstone, sparkling with starpoints, as Hairy Greed gathered his party in the pasture outside the town. In addition to J. Fraud Skeevy, were the twin sisters Patty and Nancy Dingleberry, both of whom were noisome and easily expendable. As they were frisking happily in the meadow, Greed called them to attention, wondering vaguely why the Øbamboozler had saddled him with two tail-wagging idiots that no one in town could trust with a burnt-out match.
    “Let’s go, let’s go!” cried Patty.
    “Yes, let’s,” added Nancy, who promptly took one step, fell directly on her flat head, and managed to bloody her nose.
    “Icky!” laughed Patty.
    “Double icky!” wailed Nancy.
    Meanwhile, J. Fraud Skeevy wuz wandering around the pasture muttering: “Do you know who I am?”, Greed just rolled his eyes heavenward. It was going to be a loooooong epic…

  7. @Rat Fink, “Bored Of The Rings”, National Lampoon, 1970s. Comedy gold! Thanks for that.

    Nancy will cling to power to the last.
    Until Soros finally “retires” her,

  8. ANTIFA is dangerous, and the media’s hysteria leads to an assassination attempt on a Congressman.

    NO! Trump is dangerous and his anti-media hysteria lead to some dummy getting run over in Charlottesville!

    The ‘ol switcheroo and “muddying the waters” attempt by the democrats again. (also CNN says “Trump is afraid of stairs.” After Hillary needed 5 people to assist her going up stairs)

  9. Senator Robert Byrd was around 150 years old, his mind long shut down, eaten alive with some form of dementia, could not speak, and probably could not hear. But the dems kept him on. Gotta hunch they’ll do the same with nutty Nan.

  10. There was a meme going around a couple of years ago about some politicians being ‘Botoxicated’. Maybe Nan has had a few too many face stretchings.

    Or maybe she’s just drinking her lunch everyday.

  11. How can the reporter just sit there and not laugh right in her face?!

    How can Nancy’s family let her continue when her mind is going?! She should be home in a padded room.

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