I am so glad I read the post about Dylan Farrow/Woody Allen BEFORE your Critter post, Claudia. The Critters served as a good cleansing of the eyes and brain. Thanks for helping me shrug off the darkness and look towards the glory of God’s day. 🙂
Animal smiles!😊
What a perfect theme to start the day! Thank you Claudia.
So nice to have photos of animals each Sunday. Takes some stress of real life away. Thanks as always Claudia!
That malachite kingfisher is a fine way to start a Sunday morning!
Thanks as always, Claudia…
Really fun photos, Claudia.
Good Morning everyone! Have a wonderful day.
Cool! Claudia, I ran by this site if you like hedgehogs and hampsters and amazing photog:
Fantastic start to the day.
Thanks Ms. C
The puppy in the first set is adorable. What are the white “fluffy” birds and the animal to the left of the turtle? Thank-you, Claudia as always.
Those feathery ‘storks’ are prolly from Japan.
And don’t you know an armadillo when you see one?
@Corky, The fluffy birds are egrets. I think they might be a type of Snowy Egret.
Corona is right, the critter to the left of the turtle is an armadillo. You don’t usually see that pose. Here is what you usually see: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=4xKcL146&id=E172FE8E25C2581949E8637857B2AD4E9E11D50D&thid=OIP.4xKcL146m45HHt0424K40AEgDY&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-lIj54zi9veg%2FT_B6QZHK4DI%2FAAAAAAAADi4%2FdV3449LHpiw%2Fs1600%2Farmadillo%2Bwallpapers%2B1.jpg&exph=1200&expw=1600&q=armadillo&ajaxhist=0&selectedindex=1
I am so glad I read the post about Dylan Farrow/Woody Allen BEFORE your Critter post, Claudia. The Critters served as a good cleansing of the eyes and brain. Thanks for helping me shrug off the darkness and look towards the glory of God’s day. 🙂
Animal smiles!😊
What a perfect theme to start the day! Thank you Claudia.
So nice to have photos of animals each Sunday. Takes some stress of real life away. Thanks as always Claudia!
Hope everyone has a terrific Sunday.