mages from:
1) CJ (Tank) my Spur-thigh Tortoise.
2) TennDon (Great Blue Heron and Fish) Great Blue Heron with more than it could handle.
3) Jethro (Bass) Bass from the pond across the street from my house. I made that lure.
4) Jethro (Goose) Fake goose feathers.
5) Jethro (Goose and You-Know-Who) My pathetic goose calling fooled this one.
6) Jethro (Turkey) My pathetic turkey calling fooled this one.
…..The results of these last two make me think Jethro’s claim of “pathetic” is not accurate! – C
I have a few more of these submissions that wouldn’t fit here. Will run them within the next two weeks.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
3-5 The Nose Knows – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critter noses! Let’s see how many different critters we can get!
3-12 Don’t Mess With My Internal Clock – Critters who don’t live by human’s time frames. Begin DST.
3-19 First Day of Spring – Sunshine, flowers and critters!
For all our reader who contribute their critter photos – THANKS!
More of #5 please. From a Canadian. Sorry.
Huron, same on this side.
Damned people keep feeding them along the shores so they don’t even migrate anymore.
Thanks, Claudia!
Always nice to start the week off with Critters!
Nice! You know it is Sunday when the critters show up!
Thanks everyone for sharing. Happy & blessed Sunday to all.
Good Eats.
Spent a couple pre-teen summers near Trout streams.
Uncle #1 was avid fly-caster.
Cabins near a pond for the kids was stocked with turtles, catfish and bluegills. Every year at the peak of sweet corn season timeframe. Uncle #1 would be gone all day while the kids played and swam and shucked lots of corn. Every meal has both fish and corn. Fried Fish and crispy pan fried corn-cakes.
Gonna have to stop this one now, getting hungry.
Thanks C, CJ, TennDon, Jethro. Gobble Gobble
Extraordinary photos! Thanks, Claudia, CJ, TennDon, and Jethro!
Look at the dummy Jethro all masked up outside. What a fool! Still hanging onto Fauci’s masks. LOL!
When the crap really hits the rotating blades, will Jethro be willing to hire out his “pathetic” skills?
Mama likes herself some good smoked turkey.
I do have deer that visit my deck quite regularly, I am willing to trade.
CJ, Is Tank fed more than once per day. Old Guy
Old Guy – he gets four of those plates a day, plus if I find a bunch of dollarweed or clover I’ll grab a large handful and put it on his plate.
A couple of nice meals in this critters post!
Wonderful pic;s! Always the best on Sunday
Tortoises can get lively at feeding time. I have to get back to the zoo this year, I haven’t been since 2019.
Glad to see hunting shots. Wild game is healthy and delicious.
Jethro, With a commercial call? I got schooled in voice calling and you can continue as you shoulder the gun and no calls to come apart or get lost in the mud. Have lots of conversations in my back yard starting now as they’re fighting over nesting sites and I sometimes threaten them, (talk) where they come across the channel into my yard before they realize no one is there (at least not another goose).
Still, do have some of the old home made calls from the thirties with the brass reeds. Lost art. Got one of duck commander’s (all wood) before they got famous and started charging your left nut for their calls,
Sadly it’s been more than a decade since I was in a blind…
Do you happen to live in Maryland?
Dr. Hambone FEBRUARY 26, 2023 AT 3:04 PM
Slow cooker (the elongated one not the round deep one).
Modify as you wish…
From memory as I’m typing from work…
Very simple hardy fare…
Get a bunch of shallots enough to cover the bottom of the cooker. Par boil to skin them the easy way squeezing the hearts out. Or peal and lay in with anything else you feel will improve this. Do it whatever way you wish. Get the goose breast WITH THE SKIN ON. Season as you wish I only rub with pepper and small amount of salt. Lay the breast in on top of the shallots. Mix up a batch of cream soup (enough to cover everything in the cooker) pick your favorite I usual use mushroom (again, you can add some mushrooms here also). Use half & half or cream instead water or milk to make the soup with to make it a richer gravy that you’ll be putting over the wild rice. I make the soup in separate sauce pan to make sure no lumps and head start with the heat when you pour it in over the breast. Pouring from the side so as to not wash the seasonings (whatever you decided on) off the top skin that you put on the goose. The skin on keeps it moister and prevents the meat from getting crusty. Turn on the slow cooker (six hours?) and make a batch of wild and brown rice 50/50 (all wild rice if’n you want to splurge). Cheaper with the mix and still gives all the wild rice flavor that you want.
When done pull the breast, remove the skin and slice putting the the meat on top of a bed of the rice and serve individually pouring the “gravy” on top of all. If you want the presentation slice all and serve on a platter so the guests can take whatever amount they wish along with maybe another vegetable.
I don’t bother with any other side dishes and just make a pig of myself putting the slices back in the slow cooker to keep them hot and moist as I go back and forth refilling my plate with the rice and meat and gravy.
The first time you make it you’ll thank me.
Just remember to leave the skin on when you’re breasting out the birds.
Jethro FEBRUARY 26, 2023 AT 6:33 PM
Do you happen to live in Maryland?
Midwest Northwest of Shitcago about fifty miles.
Used to be that Southern IL was the goose hunting. Now we have resident flocks that don’t migrate. Tough to find huntable properties around here now. Guys with the money lase the good spots and living on the Fox River below “The Chain Of Lakes” there can be a few spots to fight over if you have the time and energy. Actually got a small group of hunters that set up just beyond and at legal distance from my house. Some of the neighbors ain’t happy about it and I’m jealous knowing to keep the peace with the neighbors I can’t join them.
Back in the day I did hunt about a hundred fifty yards off my property. Was more slaughter than hunting, limiting out within ten minutes of shooting time.
Three houses to the west of my shack is my daughter’s place that sits on spring fed area that never freezes. When we have a good hard freeze everywhere else she will have five hundred or more geese along with hundreds of ducks that spend every night there. Fly out looking for feed every day and return. Get’s some getting used to listening to the racket all night long. Also why my calling came easy as I was raised in that house.
I have similar frustrations.
Where I live there is a 12 acre vacant lot across the street with a 3 acre pond smack in the middle. I’m sure the owner would let me hunt but there are neighboring houses nearby, just outside of the 150 yard boundary for hunting near residences without permission. Even though I could do it, it would drive these people insane and they would call the cops every time. It’s just not worth the hassle trying to explain the boundary limit and risk getting my firearms confiscated. I used to hunt often on the Potomac river, upstream from DC (where the photo was taken) plus also some local farms. I haven’t done it much recently since my brother moved away and he was my best hunting partner that I felt comfortable wouldn’t do anything stupid with a gun.
Have had two hunting partners over the years. Two that I trusted and did well with…