Scalise Doesn’t Have Enough Votes – IOTW Report

Scalise Doesn’t Have Enough Votes


Steve Scalise, the Republican nominee to lead the U.S. House of Representatives, faced a test on Thursday of whether he could gain enough support from his splintered party conference to be elected speaker on the chamber floor.

A day after he bested House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan for the nomination in a secret party ballot, the Louisiana Republican had not yet proven whether he could muster the 217 Republican votes needed to overcome Democratic opposition and be elected to the role second in line to the presidency, after the vice president. More

17 Comments on Scalise Doesn’t Have Enough Votes

  1. The Boehner/Ryan/McCarthy understudy has hit a road bump.
    The establishment RINOs, who are in the majority of the Republican House members, are whining loudly.
    When they had a speaker, McCarthy didn’t honor his commitments, that’s why McCarthy was ousted.

    Why appoint an establishment Boehner/Ryan/McCarthy Understudy and expect a different outcome?

  2. I don’t have a magic wand….But if I did…I would take the money out of politics and this would ALL go away.

    We would have honorable people willing to serve government without the temptation of wealth….given that, this country would prosper like NOTHING ever seen in history.

  3. I admire his courage literally under fire. Surviving a hate crime attempted murder by a far left democrat was a scary and painful event.
    However, that’s not a reason to lower the bar.

  4. Matt Gaerz on with Eric Bolling on Newsmax said acting speaker wannabe who slammed the gavel and shut down congress after McCarthy ouster is considered shutting down and sending everyone home. Matt says Patrick McHenry was architect of the crazy budget deal.


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