Scandal Plagued Former Congressman John Conyers Has Passed – IOTW Report

Scandal Plagued Former Congressman John Conyers Has Passed

Daily Caller

Former Democratic Michigan Rep. John Conyers, 90, passed away on Sunday. He was the longest-serving African American House member in history.

“Our Congressman forever, John Conyers, Jr.,” Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib said in a statement. “He never once wavered in fighting for jobs, justice and peace. We always knew where he stood on issues of equality and civil rights in the fight for the people. Thank you Congressman Conyers for fighting for us for over 50 years.” More

Congressman Conyer’s long tenure wasn’t without its share of scandal, however Here and Here

32 Comments on Scandal Plagued Former Congressman John Conyers Has Passed

  1. Four big Demi’s have been in office for 142 years…
    This is not what the Founding Fathers meant by citizen legislators,
    It is as if one person has served since 1877 to 2019.

  2. Now his wife can replace him too a la Cummings.

    Can you say Banana Republic and it not be racist regarding the retaining of Power through the osmosis of sperm or last name?

    Take this Kirchner-Peron-Clinton shit elsewhere.

  3. “He never once wavered in fighting for jobs..”

    That is abject horseshit and they know it. Trump has delivered jobs, jobS, joBS, jOBS, and JOBS to black Americans and the usual suspects are trying to figure out how to scuttle that success. There isn’t a single one of the bastard Democrats who gives a single shit about jobs unless they can personally gain form it.

  4. He had a habit of satisfying his lusts in younger women who hadn’t the power to complain.

    Yeah, another nihilists’ “icon” – like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeff Epstein.

    Short elevator ride to Hell, eh, what? Wonder who the operator will be.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. When I heard the news yesterday I blurted out, “Looks like satan is calling a lot of his folks home.” My 13 and 9 year old grandkids said, “Grandpa, we just left church, that’s not a nice thing to say.” So I apologize…to my grandkids.

  6. Any time I hear a democRAT has PASSED the first thing that pops into my mind is:
    ‘Daddy, every-time a bell rings, Teacher says Dolemite should be giving the funeral tributes.’
    Nods to Justin for the thought.

  7. DocT: Good call. I did not know Conyers was out and Tlaib is who replaced him. Like the others who just sit on their office until they die over gerrymandered shit districts.

    I remember the scandals with Conyers’ wife and didn’t ever recall a divorce happening. But she was/is a piece of work.


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