Scarborough Says Obama’s “No Strategy” Is A Strong Strategy – IOTW Report

Scarborough Says Obama’s “No Strategy” Is A Strong Strategy

Tammy Bruce

What a relief! For the past six days, we all thought that the faux-POTUS made a fool of himself and of the U.S., with his pronouncement that he does not have a strategy to deal with ISIS.

But thank God we have faux-Conservative, faux-thinker Joe Scarborough to set us straight:

Via Mark Finkelstein – Newsbusters: Scarborough Defends ‘No Strategy’ Obama: ‘Straight Out of The Art of War’

Alexander the Great. Stonewall Jackson. George S. Patton. To this list of some of history’s greatest military strategists, a new name must be added: that of Barack Obama. That is, if you agree with Joe Scarborough’s take on President Obama’s statement at yesterday’s press conference that “we don’t have a strategy yet” regarding possible attacks on ISIS in Syria.


15 Comments on Scarborough Says Obama’s “No Strategy” Is A Strong Strategy

  1. Hey Joe “I huffed airplane glue through high school and college” Scarborough. Isn’t that like saying, “Not wiping your ass after defocating is actually good for your overall health.”

  2. Between this hypnotized asshat and the swooning diva Glenn Beck telling us Hillary is unbeatable, I get the distinct impression that some chicken tenders have been marinating in MSM sauce for way too long. Take a break, fellas. Play some golf. Then play some more golf. I’m told it helps to clear your mind.

  3. Yeah but, but, but, Joe wears cool hipster glasses. That makes him a imminently qualified to assess the skills and unspoken intent of muzloid commie-in-chief.

    I think Finkelstein’s assessment was more on target: “A man in tan without a plan”.

  4. “…when you were weak, you make your enemies think you were strong. When you were strong, you make your enemies think you were weak.”

    Assuming we’re strong, Joe, and that’s a big assumption, at what point do you think Barky will spring his brilliant trap on our enemies? Because I can clearly see the whites of their eyes now.

  5. It all makes sense. The modern era president is supposed to “appear” incompetent, not leading, and certainly not caring.

    Well, I’ve got to rewrite my score cards then because Obama surely gets an A+.

  6. The point of appearing weak to your enemies is to lure them into a trap.

    ISIS is running rampant, raping and murdering children, killing, beheading, burning, pillaging, and generally ushering a veritable Hell on Earth from Syria through Iraq.

    I’m no grand strategist, but damned if I see the trap, here.

  7. This guy should just come out and tell everyone that he’s a liberal and stop trying to fool the few of us who still happen to watch his (so-called) morning show on MSNBC. Listening to what he has to say makes me aware that he isn’t conservative anymore. Probably just pretending to be one of us so that just in case Republicans come back into power after the November election he can tell everyone he “was with us all the way”. He’s almost a bigger liar as the president! If that’s possible!

  8. This is proof obamma is brilliant, because he appears to be so stupid. Got to be athletic because he appears so uncoordinated. He must also be masculine because he appears so faggish. That splanes everything.

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