Scaredy Cats, er, Dogs, um, Critters – IOTW Report

Scaredy Cats, er, Dogs, um, Critters

Images from:

1 Mansfield Lovell (Countess Augustina) hiding under the boat cuz of thunder.
2 Mansfield Lovell (Countess Augustina) Cowering between the terlet and tub because she’s afraid of thunder.
3 Bayouwulf (Penny) Scaredy Dog Penny! Loud thunder ain’t her thing
4 Corky (Roanoke) You said loud noises or thunder but Roanoke was definitely afraid of the plastic cow!
5 Marco (Jamie) I once met an Irish farmhand who told me this when I mentioned how nice the weather was that day in County Kerry. Jamie often hides under the bed when the lightning and thunder invaded his airspace.

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.

  • Unusual Critters
  • Labor Day Critters
  • Critters posing for their ‘portraits’


12 Comments on Scaredy Cats, er, Dogs, um, Critters

  1. The plastic cow is a bit freaky from a dog’s eye point of view.

    I am scaredy-cat free at the moment, but I have had a few. The half Basenji was the most sensitive to rumblings and even the pitter patter of drizzle dripping off the roof edge. Yet I could take him for a walk in the rain.

    Thank you for your passion, Claudia!

  2. Good morning Claudia and iOTWers! Happy Sunday to all.
    I don’t presently have a pet, but used to have a dog that would bark incessantly if a hot air ballon ever floated over the house. Don’t know if she was afraid or a bad-ass, but I suspect that if one had ever landed nearby she would have hightailed it back in the house!

  3. My big old girl is named Heidi for a reason. Her latest hidey hole is under the cylinder head bench out in the shop,she’ll sit under there then sneak out and spook an unsuspecting beer drinker.

  4. Whenever the summer lightning and thunder invades my Irish terrier Jamie’s airspace, he hides under my bed. This often reminds me of a day I spent in the countryside in County Kerry. It was an unusually warm, sunny, summer day and I was strolling along when I met this fellow scything the hay with his shirt off. I was attending a wedding in a nearby country church, and I was wearing a suit and tie. As he saw me approaching, he put his shirt on and brushed his hair over with his hand. He had the thickest Irish accent I’d ever heard. When I mentioned how beautiful the weather was that day, the Irish farmhand said, “Yes, but I tank I hear tunder.”

  5. Mornin’ everyone.

    The Countess looks like she ain’t moving ANYWHERE…

    And Roanoke deserves to be pissed! “A plastic cow Dad?? Are ya kidding me?? IN the dark no less?!!” He says…

    Thanks C!

    (Oh, could you remove the anon above me? It ruins the purity of the thread).


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