Scary as Hell That This is Receiving Wrong Answers on Social Media – IOTW Report

Scary as Hell That This is Receiving Wrong Answers on Social Media

Just to understand what we are dealing with out there. These people vote-

46 Comments on Scary as Hell That This is Receiving Wrong Answers on Social Media

  1. These are the same pink and purpled haired, tatted, with facial piercings, people who asks you if you can read cursive. This actually happened to me recently. I was shocked that she would even ask me if I could read cursive. I had to let her know that I was taught to write it in the second grade. She wasn’t even embarrassed! WTF! Oh, and they’re the same ones that give you back more change than you deserved.

  2. I’m math deficient but I got that his sister is 67.

    Oh, wait. I forgot Common Core math. So, take 70 + 6 then divide by 1/2 and you get the answer. At least it’s an answer to a question, but now you have to figure out the question!

    When I left my job scoring student essays to move back home (in 2017), Common Core was sinking fast. Most states had already dumped it. Wonder if it still exists.

  3. Claudia – Sadly jokes like this will be lost forever with the Common Core group…

    The fattest knight at King Arthur’s Round Table was Sir Cumference.
    He acquired his size from too much pi.

  4. Okay, someone explain the pooping totem pole.

    Is it that it will crap out the figures below it to complete it later???

    I’ll take two!

    Now excuse me while I go upstairs to take a crap.

  5. Depends. Does the earning start before the cow was initially purchased? Then nothing was earned. If the earning starts after the cow was initially purchased, then I believe it’s $300 (sell the cow for $200 over initial cost, buy same cow for $100 more than you sold it, so the balance earned is $100. Then sold it again for $200 more than the second purchase. Total of $300. Unless you do not count the $100 over the original sale price paid for the cow the second time. Raw earnings, before expenses, would then be $400). I’m sure an accountant could provide a solid answer.

  6. “35. Let’s have a hard one next time please.”


    Dunning takes a train going 40 mph to the town of Kruger, which is 20 miles away. How many minutes does his trip take?

    “That’s a trick question!”

  7. If that cow was being sold in San Francisco, I would have earned $2,300 because I would have shoplifted it and the rich white man owes me anyway. But this would give me a tax problem, so I pretended I paid $800 and $1,100 and took a write-off of $1,900. But then I was arrested for stealing the cow the second time because it was over the $950 limit and my bail/fine was set at $10 so in reality I netted $2,290 but only $390 if you look at my tax records.

    The way I look at it is that the white rich man owes me an additional $10, which at street interest is now $25,000.

  8. By the way, my sister is now 19 years old. I had to amortize the hell out of that b***h because at 67 she ain’t worth squat.

    Math just isn’t that hard.


  9. ∑ 1/2ⁿ = ?

    Supplemental: Assuming each step takes an amount of time in seconds numerically equal to it’s length, how long will it take to get there? (It’s a trap!)

  10. I’ve hired a ton of entry level employees. You need to virtually reteach them math. Including some Trig and Geometry. I’ll include some experienced machine operators too in that statement. The good news is, they catch on fast after they see how and why you are applying it. I believe the problem is how the public school system teaches math. The peeps that I’ve trained were not stupid. They just didn’t get IT.

    Now the guy with the 35 year old sister. That’s not math, that’s Logic. He’s screwed.

  11. My Math – that’s how I’m looking at it. You started with 800.00 and ended up with 1300. 00.
    No need to focus on the back and forth or how much the tea in China is selling for –

    You now have 500.00 more than what you started with.

  12. Channeling my inner Joe Biden, I don’t want to appear stupid but really don’t care that I am stupid. I did two sales, each netting $200.00. So I made… ehh…carry the one… ehh… oh heck…uhh… well, there you have it.

  13. …see if they can figure this one out.

    “As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives,
    Each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats,
    Each cat had seven kits: kits, cats, sacks and wives,
    How many were going to St. Ives?”

  14. These people can’t define what a “woman” is, how can they know what a “cow” is? Maybe a bull is self-identifying as a cow that day? How many genders of cattle are there? Too many unanswered questions.

  15. How about if they can answer this one?

    You’re a train conductor. First stop, 2 people get on. Second stop, 1 gets off and 3 get on. Third stop, no one gets off and 5 get on, Fourth stop, 2 get off and no one gets on.

    So the question is this;
    What’s the name of the train conductor?

  16. Brad – There is a difference between ignorance and weapons-level stupid.
    For starters, just applying for a job is a step above.
    And I think you are absolutely right about teaching the application of math to put it in the right perspective. Classroom math leaves that out of the equation so it becomes math for math’s sake, which is fine if you’re a math nerd, but when you actually need to use math as a tool to perform a task or arrive at an outcome it put a completely different motivational dynamic to it! Then you learn it, use it and develop it.

  17. TRF

    I think I might have told this story, but the first job shop I worked at I went from and entry level guy to lead programmer in a week. Back then programing tool path was by hand and if you didn’t know your Trig you won’t be successful. Well a year or so goes by. The small shop I was working for was growing and the owner was running ads for programmers. Heavy in math. He walks out to me one day and says, hey I have an applicant here you may know. It was a math teacher from my old high school. He never understood what he was teaching. He graded all work and tests by the answers in the back of HIS book. He lasted a week.

  18. I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact that some people don’t understand if you are 3 years older than your sibling at age 6, you are ALWAYS going to be 3 years older.


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