Scary Language and Phrases!!! Oh My! – IOTW Report

Scary Language and Phrases!!! Oh My!

Paul M. Winistorfer, the dean of the College of Natural Resources and Environment at Virginia Tech has a problem with the following phrases:

Shoot from the hip • Silver bullet • Pull the trigger • Shoot down in flames • Shoot the breeze • Shoot yourself in the foot • Shooting fish in a barrel • Shot across the bow • Shot in the dark • Shotgun marriage • Point and shoot • Bite the bullet • Dodge the bullet • Smoking gun • Cross-fire

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15 Comments on Scary Language and Phrases!!! Oh My!

  1. Betcha they couldn’t make Gunsmoke on TV today. Let alone Hopalong Cassidy, he’d be considered to be developmentally challenged (disabled) in this day and age. No Red Ryder, Lone Ranger, Maverick, no John Wayne (too old fashioned and manly), no Westerns period, no cowboys and injuns or cops and robbers etc. or kids playing Army and definitely no GI Joes but Barbies are OK. I HATE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!!!

  2. And you just know that if Combat (still my favorite World War 2 TV program) was on TV today at least one of Sgt. Saunders squad would have to be gay, my bet would be on Cage because he could speak French. Kirby, Little John, Doc. etc were all too normal and straight

  3. My kid came home from school yesterday with some props they made. It was a paper cup and a paper torch with red paper inside it to show the flame. I said, “What you got there, some lipstick?” and he goes, “NO, It’s a torch!”

    I stood there with my jaw on the ground, “You can make a fire prop, but not a gun prop? What do you think has killed more, fire or guns?”

    “We can’t do the guns, Daddy.”


  4. Actually, there are some words and phrases that scare me:

    “I’m from the Government …”
    “Hope and change.”
    “If you like your _____, you can keep your _____.”
    “Fair share …”
    “The government allows us …”
    “Social justice …”
    “Redistribution of (your) wealth.”

  5. Graduates from the ‘College of Natural Resources and Environment’ are well versed in paying off their $70K student loans by sweeping the floors and sidewalks at a nearby fast-food outlet.

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