Schatz? – IOTW Report


Senator from Hawaii- Brian Schatz.

Brian Schatz

Brian Schatz


Is he serious? This tweet alone proves he’s out of his mind. He literally just tweeted out that as a white man he supports anti-white racism and the extinction of the white race.

Schatz, of course, is also a democrat, which means he’s a member of a political party that is completely insane. Democrats want to abolish ICE, open our borders, and embrace the violent killers of MS-13. Democrats think when a man puts on a dress he is magically transformed into a woman. Democrats are convinced that cold weather in the winter proves global warming. Democrats believe killing babies saves lives. Democrats are disappointed by a booming economy and want to raises taxes to pay for “free” stuff on their way to destroying capitalism.

Yeah, democrats are out of their minds and with every passing day they slip further from reality.

Even when they “relitigate 2016” it shows how frickin’ crazy they are. They can’t accept the results of a free and fair election, so they are doing everything they can think of to delegitimize the President of the United States. This is not something sane people do and it is the root cause of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which all leftists are afflicted with.


52 Comments on Schatz?

  1. “We have no equivalent to the dark carnival that is a trump rally.”

    Well, from a socialist piece of shits point of view that would be true. Sorry Dick Lips, this is America. Eventually we will be hunting you down.

  2. “It’s not to late to give Hawaii to the Japanese is it?”

    Yea, and we can give up California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Nevada. Wait, are we ready to give up Nevada yet? I don’t know.
    That’s a fucking loser strategy and I know most of the time it’s made in jest, but in reality it’s getting old. Sorry, shit seems to be getting serious out there.

  3. As I recall the previous occupier started with seals proclaiming “President Elect of the United States”, moved to fake Greek columns, and continued with fainting groupies. I am enjoying each and every day of the TDS.

  4. hahahahahaha!

    I was just teasing Al because all the previous comments were going with the play on words and Al strolls in wearing a tweed coat with leather patches on the elbows while smoking a pipe.

    And then he drops the anagram bomb.


    Makes us all look kinda’ low brow.

  5. Me, as a white, non-hispanic, I am ready to ground and pound motherfuckers that come after white people.
    If that doesn’t work I will simply pull my firearm just like Indiana Jones after the left’s bullshit theatrics.

    You want to come after white men?
    Me first! Me first! I want Alpha!
    Bring it! NOW!

  6. Al…. you ain’t low brow for kickin’ it ol’ skool in a laz-y-boy….. you just ol.

    Al, the retired professor. Listening to Stephen Hawking books on cassette tapes while driving a burgundy caddy….

    Still can’t believe you quit the woods for Florida. So disgusted with you…

  7. “I am into revolvers now…”
    That should work out fine, for the first six shots.

    Loco, wasn’t the gun cycling? Did you take it back to the gun store where you purchased it? You don’t sound like a sissy here. Meaning you need to squeeze the crap out of it. GLOCKs are great guns. Take it back to where you purchased it from and ask them WTF. Get it fixed and carry the GLOCK.

  8. Brad. not every gun is perfect.
    I bought this thing in 1992?
    I think.
    I tried to sell it but it was cheaper to keep her.
    Are you fucking Austrian?
    Are you from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce?
    Good fucking grief!
    Us niggaz got to stick together these days.

  9. “Are you fucking Austrian?”
    Actually I’m a precision machinists that happens to build guns and understand those assemblies like few others. If that fucking gun ain’t cycling it’s because you’re gay and have a limp wrist. LOL.
    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  10. Bradley, the gun has plastic components that are imperfect.
    For crying out loud, the magazine cracked!
    I’m in a rare chill, drunk, cool as a fukin cucumber mood so I won’t return fire, avenged sevenfold on your primal intellectual advances.

    I may not match your bench press but I am way more of a Chippendale dancer than you will ever be. Drop some of that excess flab and lean out for a change.
    Ladies Love Loco! 🙂

  11. “I may not match your bench press but I am way more of a Chippendale dancer than you will ever be. Drop some of that excess flab and lean out for a change.”

    LOL, Well, you might have me there pal. But that damn Tupperware gun should cycle.
    Go shoot that sob, record it and send it to me. I’ll trouble shoot it. Please be fully clothed.

  12. Brad, you must admit that if you lose confidence in a gun…it’s over.

    Monty, this seems strange to me
    The movies had that movie thing
    But nonsense has a welcome ring
    And heroes don’t come easy

    Now nonsense isn’t new to me
    I know my head, I know my feet
    But mischief knocked me in the knees
    Said, “just let go, just let go”

  13. “Brad, you must admit that if you lose confidence in a gun…it’s over.”
    O.K. How much for that defective gun. I expect a serious discount. After all it’s defective.

  14. “Be that word our sign in parting, Brad, Glock, or fiend,” I shrieked, upstarting-
    “Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
    Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
    Leave my loneliness unbroken!- quit the bust above my door!
    Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”
    Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

    With apologies to my beloved Edgar Allen Poe

  15. “However, I am currently in your neck of the woods and alas, ”

    Do you need my fucking phone number? If you’re in my neck of the woods I expect a visit. Had several other IOTW’s readers visit, and they all walked away alive. Mentally scared, but alive. How do you like your steaks?

  16. Cynic
    That’ actually complicated. My off the hip response is if you want to buy a striker fire weapon buy the time tested original, a GLOCK. I own a couple Sigs. Great weapons. They are all double action guns with a hammer. Big ass trigger pull. A throw way shot. People complain about the angle of the GLOCK grip. Until they actually learn to shoot. And then it doesn’t matter. When you learn to shoot your concentrating more on the trigger reset then how your gripping the gun. That ship sailed when you pulled it. First move out of the holster is hard drive down to force that strong hand up as high possible on the beaver tail. After that it’s time to start killing shit.
    Having ended that bull shit, if you pick up a Sig and immediately think you just had sex with Jim Accoustic, buy that weapon. LOL

  17. The word ‘racist’ is thrown around far too commonly.
    For instance this douche bag, Schatz or whatever, is a huge bigot. He hates white people but he is also white, therefore; bigot. 🙂

  18. Cynic
    Wifes got a 9 mil Shield. She’s pretty damn good with it. I have big hands. The absolute smallest gun I would consider carrying is the G19. During the winter months I occasionally carry a 5 inch 1911. The Glock is the superior combat weapon. For many reasons.

  19. Aaron Burr

    Like I say, weak shit. If your going to be the resident avant guard free thinker here, step up your game. My moms been dead for 8 years and I miss her every day. DICK.

  20. Lol! Brad, for a guy covered in muscles, you got a thin skin.

    B. I ain’t nothin’ but funny.

    But yeah….. I miss your mom too.

    See how that works? Guy humor. If I didn’t like you I wouldn’t bother.

  21. “. I miss your mom too.”

    Probably over the line. GOOD news. I’m moving to your new home town. We can figure it out, face to face. Sooner or later, every one pays up.
    By the way, at 80, I’m reasonably sure she could kick your ass.

    With everything going on, such a waste of time.
    Dying to hear the next snappy comeback after insulting my family.

  22. “We have no equivalent to the dark carnival that is a trump rally. This is not a thing on the left.“
    The dark carnival is what you make society into with your leftist politics.


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