Schiff for Brains Goes On Delusional Rant Full of Hypocritical Charges – IOTW Report

Schiff for Brains Goes On Delusional Rant Full of Hypocritical Charges

Listen to this asshole and then listen to him talking to two “Russian informants” providing dirt on Trump. He didn’t say they should go to the FBI. He said he would.

Who believes him?

24 Comments on Schiff for Brains Goes On Delusional Rant Full of Hypocritical Charges

  1. What’s the difference of this not being collusion with Russia and what Trump gang is being called for collusion in materials against Hillary? One thing for sure Schitt Head based on this should be brought up on collusion to take dawn a sitting president. What more proof do you need….

  2. No Schiff for brains, the day our Republic almost died was July 3, 2016 when Comey announced to the world that Hillary’s server was illegal but she had no intent to break the law so the matter was over and done with.

    I might add that the Republic still has that toxin flowing in our blood and when there are flair ups like Smollet walking free it reminds us all that we are not all equal under the law. When a majority are woke to that reality god help the elite if they have not managed to repeal the 2A by then.

  3. I have a beautiful painting on my bedroom wall of Stonewall Jackson, leading his troops northward through the snowy Shenandoah Valley in the early morning. It implies victory, heading at the enemy, determination, commitment, courage, tirelessness.

    Jackson stood out at Bull Run for turning the battle into a rout against the north. That’s where he was given the nickame “Stonewall”. He was part of the Civil War for only about 2 years, but his reputation and legacy remain indelible (at least to those who know and appreciate our great history).

    As I looked at that picture the other morning, I saw a parallel between Jackson and Trump. As POTUS, Trump has stood against great odds for about the same time that Jackson participated in the Civil War, the enemy on all sides. He has been tireless and relentless, always kept the objectives in sharp focus. Like Jackson, Trump is a man of God. Like Jackson, Trump is a teetotaler. As Jackson did, Trump keeps his mind clear for battle.

    The CSA lost Jackson at Chancellorsville. As I watch the left implode, I am so thankful for “Stonewall Trump”. We cannot afford to lose this man and the momentum he has given us. God bless our POTUS.

  4. …there is a 0% chance I will click on a video of Schiff talking. I’ll just take it as read that he’s lying, wonder why the President hasn’t destroyed him yet, and move on…

  5. “Shouldn’t some moderate amount of intelligence be required to be the chairman of the Intelligence Committee?”

    It’s Demspeak, @TP. You know, hate is love, man is woman, treason is patriotism, intelligence is Schiff…

  6. I’ll bet he has sweaty hands. I once shuck hands with a guy with sweaty hands. Ever shake hands with a guy with sweaty hands? Ugg!
    Blue vainer nose Bill Mahar has sweaty hands. Ann Coulter will verify.

  7. Supernightshade, you are correct. I am thinking that Trump has survived his “Chancellorsville” i.e. the Russian collusion circus, as well as the “friendly” fire from the RINOs.

  8. why doesn’t someone (i.e. Republican Congresscritter) stand up & declare that if Shiffless the Earthworm has any evidence that Trump, or any of his campaign people, colluded w/ Russia, then he has an obligation to produce it to the American people. after all, we need Full Disclosure!
    and if The Worm does have evidence, as he claims, & is withholding it then he needs to have charges brought against him.

    The Worm needs to Put Up, or Shut Up

  9. If this is real, Schiff should be booted from America.

    This is unreal….Schiff is a total idiot. This along with the Just Smellit thing means that liberals are way lower than mud.


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