Schlichter: You Have to Be High to Be Mad at Jeff Sessions for Enforcing Federal Pot Laws – IOTW Report

Schlichter: You Have to Be High to Be Mad at Jeff Sessions for Enforcing Federal Pot Laws

Town Hall: Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who himself seems stoned much of the time, just announced that his Department of Justice is going to start enforcing the federal laws against pot again despite a bunch of states doing a bong hit version of bombarding Ft. Sumpter. Look, no one is more annoyed than I am that Sessions decided to megapunt on his duties with regard to Democrat corruption and the Trump/Russia/Idiocy pseudo-scandal, but he doesn’t deserve all the grief he’s now getting from agitated hopheads and fussy libertarians – to the extent there’s a difference.

Dude, you’re like, harshing my buzz, dude.

Sessions is right not to allow a cheesy end-run around a clear set of laws just because reforming those laws is going to be hard. And no, it’s not “prosecutorial discretion” to refuse to enforce the law. What the legalize-it crowd wants is no prosecution, which is the opposite of exercising discretion. The fact is that Sessions swore to enforce federal law. Pot is against federal law. It’s against federal law because our representatives in the House and Senate passed the laws and the president signed them. The people spoke. Remember that “I’m Just a Bill” Scholastic Rock cartoon?

Yeah, man, that cartoon bill looks like a big fattie joint. Heh heh. Dude, where are the Doritos?

See, if the people of this country pass a law thorough their elected representatives, it’s kind of central to the whole point of having a republic that the executive enforce those laws. You don’t cut corners by demanding that the executive branch just not enforce unpopular statutes. If you don’t like a law, here’s how you change it. You go pass another law that changes that law.

Heh heh, pass the dutchie, man!

Look, there’s a real problem here. Barack Obama’s DoJ didn’t help by kicking the dime bag down the road, and as a result lots of people are caught in this state-legal, federal-illegal twilight zone. These include casual stoners and investors in what one entrepreneur I spoke to insisted on referring to as “the cannabis space.”

Now, because people decided to try and game the system, we have confusion. Many states are asserting what I and many other folks think is their prerogative to make terrible decisions involving their own territory. Colorado is now pretty much Jamaica in the Rockies. My own state of California just legalized pot, as if we needed more lazy and boring people here. read more


33 Comments on Schlichter: You Have to Be High to Be Mad at Jeff Sessions for Enforcing Federal Pot Laws

  1. Hopefully this is just a tactic to get congress to finally repeal prohibition and get out of this tenth amendment issue. If not he’s more of a swampy than I’d hoped.

  2. One more thing. If the federal government insists on trampling on the right of states to address something not mentioned in the Constitution, where is the federal enforcement to STOP the states openly denying the right guaranteed by the second amendment to their citizens?

  3. Gutless, self-serving Congress will have no problem kicking this (or any other issue, like they did abortion and obamacare) to the Supreme Court.

    The Judiciary has no problem legislating from the bench and congress doesn’t seem to care about the separation of powers anymore than they do for our second amendment rights.

  4. The cats out of the bag.

    The states who legalized pot have found they make much more money in taxes than they do penalties/fines they to used hand out for breaking the law.

    It’s all about the money now, not state’s rights.
    State’s rights were defeated 158 years ago.

  5. Why is smoking bad but smoking dope isn’t? Why are numerous studies in Europe on the ill effects of long term use and the effects on developing brains ignored by politicians and the media? Money, money, money.

  6. I would rather that Snoozy McSessions focus on enforcing the laws Obama, Hillary and all their corrupt little minions shredded, than worry about enforcing pot legislation, right now.

    But he probably won’t, because that would probably piss of the people he’s REALLY working for.


    Anyone ever read “Antigone?” What the law is vs. what is right, is another long-standing argument.

    I just don’t see the needed to waste resources prosecuting this “crime” and ruining lives. I treat marijuana like beer as both have harmful side-effects when over-used, but 1 is legal and the other is not.

    The LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX is the BIG winner against pot. Just look at how many jobs are at stake rounding up stoners:
    Defense attorneys
    Jail staff
    Prison staff
    Probation staff

    And of course, the job application in which it will have be disclosed FOREVER and the fact that, that person will be ineligible forever from working overseas. They don’t like drug convictions.

    BUT NO! Go ahead and waste time chasing after a beer-like recreational drug. Why not ruin a few million lives in the process?

  8. I’d like to thank Mr. Sessions personally for creating a wonderful buying opportunity in the pot market this past Thursday. He managed to drive down international stocks as well. Agree or disagree with the industry, there’s money to be made, just steer clear of the US market for now.

  9. It’s up to Congress to change the law–we didn’t like it when obongo ignored the law on immigration but we like it when it’s pot?
    The Senator from Colorado makes a big stink but I don’t see him introducing a bipartisan bill to legalize the shit?
    I wonder why, or is it perhaps not the best issue to be seen pushing for?

  10. I love liquorice, the swill they sell here sux.
    Australia makes OK stuff but if you want top shelf liquorice, Amsterdam is the place you wanna be.
    I get 2 kilos of assorted types shipped here a coupla times a year, fills up one of those giant pickle jars.
    I gave up cigars, besides the dogs love it and yes, it’s actually good for them, very low if any sugar.
    The package always arrives looking like it has been through a wood chipper.
    Last shipment the wife picked it up: “Why does this package like like this?”
    Sweetie, Amsterdam,
    It’s ok to kill an unborn child but a joint, call the troopers!
    I don’t get it.

  11. Just another case of someone I don’t know and I did not vote for picking and choosing which laws to enforce. I am not against enforcing the pot law – I didn’t vote to legalize it either. I am against not enforcing the corruption and voter fraud laws that have been publicly violated. How about finding out which violation of laws causes more damage to the Constitution and proceeding accordingly? (That’ll never happen).

  12. More wasted time, just as Law Enforcement was turning toward actual Crime so they didn’t have to spend endless hours chasing teens down. Those kid’s won’t be the Drunk Drivers that’s for sure, and the Cop’s know this !

  13. I’m seeing everyone’s frustrated by what Sessions thought would appease us, but it’s just more inaction – that’s actually backward progress. Fix something that’s broken Jeff !

  14. A couple of reasons for the Feds not to legalize pot:

    Fewer dollars in the campaign fund from the pharmaceutical industry.

    Fewer dollars in the pocket from drug cartel bribes.

  15. Fewer asset forfeiture dollars.

    I’ve read Schlicter for the last year or so and this was his worst column by a long shot.

    Plenty of people who have smoked weed live productive lives. Plenty of them never would have if they got caught up in the system.

    The laws as written create a permanent unemployable underclass.

  16. I know a lot of people with chronic pain who use High-THC Indica strains, rather than risk all the side effects of opiates – a substance that’s misuse is being called an ‘epidemic’ these days.
    Considering this, wouldn’t it make a lot of sense to stop prohibiting a safer, non-lethal or physically addictive alternative?

  17. @CC, Lot of people turning to Kratom, another dietary supplement cracked down on. Pain is within the individual. There has been no opiate medication that ever relieved my pain, nor any amount of CBDs or alcohol. I’ve broken my whole face, back, knee, mouth, eh.. pain meds just put me in a better mood that help me forget about pain, but it’s always there. My pain is minimal in the relative sense, and I get people turning to harder shit in hopes to subdue it.

    @aleon, why do they call it a roach clip? Because pot holder was already taken.

  18. He thinks wer’e as Boring, as the Democrats think we are !
    Seniors for one are thrilled to have discovered Marijuana, as it’s helping them cope with a lot of issues and not Constipating them killing their Livers or addicting them Physically !

  19. I was sick of these Doper Chasers back in the Reagan era. Trump could have taken the issue away from his 2020 opponent, now it’s a wedge issue against him. All because some stupid hick with a stick up his ass about “dope” and a plant “gateway drug” can’t find his common sense with both hands. Granny needs to go yesterday. Recuse yourself from the entire job shithead.

    Listen, you want the left baked out of their minds. It makes them docile. They’re already stupid, so just take the weed issue away from them. Trump = weed. Trump = takeaway my weed man. Which one will suppress their anti-Trump voting in 2020?

  20. Freaken bunch of pot heads here. Holy shit. Roll back THC levels in pot to when we were all young and pretty and I have no problem. But currently THC level are an average of 18% higher then in the 80’s. Read the reports. It ain’t good. Compared to LSD.

  21. You can drink all the alcohol you want and the effect is not the same as pot. They are different drugs and have different effects. Same with THC and LSD. Different drugs, different effects. Any study that says increased THC levels make pot comparable to LSD should be filed under fake news.

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