School board fires teacher who reported ‘illegal students’ to Trump – IOTW Report

School board fires teacher who reported ‘illegal students’ to Trump

Wash Times- A school board in Texas has voted to fire a teacher who had told President Trump that her school had been taken over by illegal immigrants.

Georgia Clark has been fired from the Fort Worth Independent School District “immediately,” the board reported Tuesday evening on its Twitter feed, without further elaboration.

Ms. Clark, an English teacher at Carter-Riverside High School, had written in some quickly deleted tweets addressed to Mr. Trump that her school had been “taken over” by “illegal students from Mexico.” She added that Mr. Trump had won the election “on the promise that a wall would be built to protect our borders.”

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about 88 percent of the students at Carter-Riverside are Hispanic.

The Fort Worth ISD board had voted unanimously to fire Ms. Clark in June, but tabled that decision last week after an independent examiner named by the Texas Education Agency recommended that she be reinstated, the local NBC affiliate reported.


15 Comments on School board fires teacher who reported ‘illegal students’ to Trump

  1. This is that Orwell quote on speaking truth being a revolutionary act. Also, probablymsome whistleblower violations.

    If she has a GoFundMe, she could be setup for a few years while the wrongful termination lawsuit goes forward.

  2. This is the problem with Twatting and other Social(ist) Media. Too too public. Whatever happened to the anonymous whistle blower line? And why are people being SO stoopid as to put themselves out there publicly when it could/would affect their lives and careers?
    I feel sorry for the teacher, but she was stoopid to put her information out there publicly.

  3. Definite wrongful termination for a whistleblower. Also, isn’t Twitter a free-speech platform? So why isn’t her termination a violation of her free-speech rights?

    Under Obama, you couldn’t get suspended for disrupting class, but state on Twitter your school has been taken over by illegals, and they’ll bounce your ass.

  4. I’m beginning to fear for Texas. I suspect that the school board is made up of mostly liberal Democrats and for them to not provide some sort of explanation in a case as public as this shows their disdain for the public.

  5. Well, should be a great lawsuit. Seems like it would fall under Whistleblower act or something like it.

    At least DOJ should be arresting those aiding and abetting the illegals. Just like they do to congress and sanctuary cities… LOL LOL DOJ!!! you still there?


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