School Board VP Too Dense To Answer His Own Damn Question After Banning Books – IOTW Report

School Board VP Too Dense To Answer His Own Damn Question After Banning Books

What a dope this Jim Hart guy seems to be.


…the Mat-Su Borough School District in Palmer, Alaska, has come under fire this week over its decision to ban several novels that school board leaders have deemed “controversial.”

The banned book list includes The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. The school board voted 5-2 to ban the books during a meeting that took place last week.

Why exactly were the books banned? School board officials that the books contain content that is inappropriate for high school students. “‘Caged Bird’ was derided for ‘anti-white’ messaging,’ ‘Gatsby’ and ‘Things’ are loaded with ‘sexual references,’ ‘Invisible Man’ has bad language and ‘Catch-22’ includes violence,” the district claimed.

School board Vice President Jim Hart argued that it was appropriate to ban the books because they would not be permitted in a corporate environment. “If I were to read these in a corporate environment, in an office environment, I would be dragged into ‘EO,’ an equal opportunity complaint proceeding,” Hart said.  “The question is why this is acceptable in one environment and not another.”


The real question is, “why should grown adults be dragging other grown adults into EO complaint proceedings because they are reading The Great Gatsby?”

And do you know what the answer is?

Because of YOU, Jim Hart, you f*ckin’ idiot.

Jim Hart

ht/ fdr in hell

17 Comments on School Board VP Too Dense To Answer His Own Damn Question After Banning Books

  1. I agree – students should not be allowed access to these books because they would be inappropriate in a corporate environment. Instead, students should be encouraged to have access to materials which are readily available in a corporate environment such as pornography and YouTube videos depicting violence, sexual references and bad language.

  2. When I was in high school we read The Grapes of Wrath. I remember that some thought the ending was gross bordering on pornographic while others thought it was a very good and appropriate ending. Funny thing was that the way it was view was generally counter to how you would have thought the person would have viewed it. The “wilder” kids thought it was pornographic, the “straight laced” kids thought it was appropriate.

  3. This is what professional educators, as opposed to pols on education boards, call “a teachable moment”.

    Without mentioning Confucius, nor Jesus, nor Mohammad, teachers can explain that this is why good people, people who are willing to do the right thing, because it is right, always go postal on HR. Every. Damn. Time.

  4. Meanwhile these are the same Dipshitz who tell us to listen to WHO recommendations for the 0 to 4 age group like:
    Enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body
    Early childhood masturbation
    Gain an awareness of gender identity

  5. Alexa: They just thought it was inappropriate for Rose Of Sharon to breast feed the starving man. I agree with you. How is that pornographic? Probably because they only thought of breasts in sexual terms, not for what nature intended them.

  6. Eighth grade reading these days is a horrible novel called The Giver. It depicts infanticide in neutral if not positive terms, at least in the context of the reality of the story. It also talks about sexual themes that I think are grossly inappropriate. But what do I know, I’m old.

  7. What are you reading during the quarantine? Thanks grool for reminding me about THE GIVER! My 13 year old asked me for reading material the other day. Got another for the list.

  8. Did he ever speak up about Arne Duncan or Kevin Jennings? What about the Girls Scouts new affiliation with Planned Parenthood? Or Seventeen Magazine?
    I agree, let’s start banning everything and see what’s left after 1 year.
    {Wow, a quick look at a Seventeen:
    So cutting edge and avant-garde (aka Nothing new under the sun, nor where the sun-don’t-shine).

  9. Years ago I got a call from the high school principal who told me my son had been reading A Clockwork Orange during study hall and that it was an unacceptable book for a high school student. I told the principal that was absurd and that I had given the book to my son. When the principal asked me if I thought that was appropriate i told him I purchased the book from the Scholastic Book Club when I was in junior high. I never heard another word about it and my son was not harassed again. My son is now 39 so this book banning nonsense has been happening for a while.


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