School Disciplines Students Supporting the President on USA Day – IOTW Report

School Disciplines Students Supporting the President on USA Day


21 Comments on School Disciplines Students Supporting the President on USA Day

  1. I really no longer think there’s a peaceful, bloodless way out of this mess with the Deep State, all of academia and the fifth column. Someone PLEASE convince me that I’m wrong…

  2. I recall teachers making children sing songs about Obama which is way over the top. Why aren’t parents raising hell?
    This kind of stuff is where people need to get in some faces and put a stop to it. Our tax dollars pay for the schools they’re not private organizations.

  3. There’s NOTHING so wrong with unionized Publik Ejumakayshunal officials, that a good boot up the ASS, of EVERY, SINGLE, ONE of them, couldn’t fix. 😡

  4. Political view discrimination is just as reprehensible as racial discrimination.

    Maybe even more so as it encompasses, suppresses, subjugates and banishes a more diverse but identifiable group of people.

  5. They need to be sued personally for their crimes. Problem is, the school gets sued and they use tax dollars to pay. They will just come up short and demand more next year. The people doing this just walk away to continue with no repercussions.

  6. Yeah, but wear a Stinko de Mayo or a Che shirt and all is good.
    We no longer have public schools, if we ever did. They are government indoctrination gulags.

  7. IF the school was being consistent in their enforcement of ‘dress code’ then they have every right to discipline the kids. If the school allows (or allowed) students to wear Obama, Guevara, Bernie, Clinton, etc clothing then the school officials should be disciplined.
    We will never find out tho……
    Also, Gilbert is one of the most conservative cities in the US. I applaud that.

  8. Government school workers used their authority to oppress student freedom of speech, and support Democrats. That’s an abuse of government power, partisan use of government school funds, and the people involved, the school, and the school board should be sued for allowing that kind of thing to happen. And hopefully those who’ve allowed this to happen are fired.

  9. Remember when schools had grade school children singing songs of praise for that feckless $hit$tain slime and POS Obumbler? Did the kids or teachers get disciplined for that?


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