School Loses 5 Year-Old For the 3rd Time – Father Rips Incompetent Staff – IOTW Report

School Loses 5 Year-Old For the 3rd Time – Father Rips Incompetent Staff

When the government offers you no other choice, this is what you get.

I don’t know how he votes, but he should stop voting left.

15 Comments on School Loses 5 Year-Old For the 3rd Time – Father Rips Incompetent Staff

  1. Sounds like the sister needs a talking to. Asleep on the floor, wandering around the hallways. One of you parents stay at home and take care of your kids. I did it, we didn’t have a lot of money to do the Disneyland thing, but I knew where my kids were at! Turn your kids over to other humans and you will have failure some where. Furthermore, you don’t put a 7 year old in charge of a 5 year old, that’s a lot of responsibility. If adults can’t do it, why should a child?

  2. The school can’t keep track of kids and lose them routinely, but don’t they have nice furniture in the office. Because having a Persian rug and very comfortable couches is more important THAN DOING YOUR DANG JOB!

  3. Tim, … Once the Teachers found him/her/? and hurried them back to the trans event – they would have called the parents to inform them that the child was suspended for attempting to avoid this “all-important diversity-training session” and will have to take 3 further sessions to ensure they are fully “trained in diversity”.

  4. What kind of school allows five year olds to wander around unsupervised?
    They do seem to have a nice office. They also have the “out of our control” mentality. The parents are right to be upset. You are compelled to turn your children over to the education establishment, but the education establishment has a “hands off” attitude when something goes wrong.
    Is this how the pervs and pedophiles have such unfettered access to children, in school?

  5. Typical public school pass-the-buck bureacrats. And we’re all supposed to bow down and kiss the feet of these teachers who couldn’t care less about your kids because every other day is some kind of Teacher Appreciation Day with taxpayer furnished Twinkees.
    These parents may actually be waking up to what it really means to vote for Democrats over and over and over again.

  6. A couple of days ago, there was a high school girl with a Trump banner and tshirt who was taken to the “administrators’ bunker” where the principal et al demanded she give her name. She was intimidated, had called her mother, who was coming to the school and refused to answer questions in the meantime.

    She was suspended for twelve days (although it was cut back to three) for refusing to give her name.

    From first grade on up I never attended a school where all of the administrators did not know the name of every single student in the school.

    That this girl could have gone “lost” three times is just another sign of the failure of public education, existing for the benefit of work free summers for the employees and fat pensions. It has zero to do with students and education. …..Lady in Red

  7. There will be a day soon when the state pensions fail, it’s called unfunded liability’s and it’s coming. No one will be happy.
    12 mounts pay for 9 months work, retire in 20 years with pretty much full pay go across state lines start over to double dip.
    What could go wrong? And don’t worry that the kids can’t read a tape measure or count change.

  8. Does that marshmallow making excuses instill any of you with the confidence necessary to entrust her with your children?
    My kids went to private school, for the first 8 years.
    Like to broke me, worth it.
    By the time they are in the ninth grade, most of the bangers had dropped out and they could look after themselves.

  9. To any blaming the 5 year old for falling asleep at the end of the school day. Public education has totally ignored the reality of human development. These state employed EXPERTS in childhood development. Have decided that kindergarteners should be able to clock in for a NONSTOP 9 hours. The EXPERTS in childhood development have zero awareness of the actual purpose of the service for which they are being paid by the community to provide this service. Even stockyards have a better grasp of natural laws governing cattle development.

  10. An excuse for chipping kids. We are chipped at work by our id tags. Bureaucracy is creeping along with the application. I really am glad my “best by…” date is nearing.

  11. These are good parents. You all know how rare it is for black Americans to have both parents represented in a family. Let’s give them credit for being responsible and determine to do what’s best for their kids.

    Unfortunately, they are unaware they have warehoused their children in a government-sanctioned, socialist institution. The NEA commie bureaucrats could care less about children.

    Notice how all that the school staff cared about was defusing the situation to only dissmis the parents valid complaint. Then, they brought in a black staffer, plantation forman to continue undermining the parents – just insulting.

    This mistreatment and dangerous leftist policies concerning children, especially minority children, is one reason for BLEXIT and these parents are prime candidates.

    The system has disenfranchised them. They should immediately remove their children from this school. The kids will continue to be abused if they don’t – they’re targeted now by school staff.

    This kind of crap is common, for a lot of parents, no matter who they are. Public school are infested with heartless, lock step, government tools.


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