School offers ‘free’ adult English classes, pro bono legal services for illegals to avoid deportation – IOTW Report

School offers ‘free’ adult English classes, pro bono legal services for illegals to avoid deportation

Bat  ju anna, senor judge, ehmm… I espeak in-gless now. Wharr es de prallem? 

EAG: FRAMINGHAM, Mass. – Demand for adult English classes offered by Framingham Public Schools has grown so much in recent years there’s now 1,400 folks on a waiting list.

The classes are among a host of “free” services for illegal immigrants offered by the district’s Department of Family and Community Engagement, a leading partner in the community helping them avoid deportation, the Metro West Daily News reports.

Christine Tibor, director of the Department of Family and Community Engagement, told the news site she participated in a community meeting Thursday that brought about 50 police, teachers, local clergy, union officials, and others out to the Greater Framingham Community Church to scheme ways to keep illegal residents safe in the community.

“Together we will explore in a safe place, the challenges surrounding immigration, and the rights of immigrants and refugees,” read a notice for the event in the Framingham Source. “Today, we have fear in our community. We will explore how we can enlist all of Framingham to be educated advocates around these issues, and challenges as well. Provide a better understanding of our rights. We will host a panel presentation of community resource partners helping us best on how to communicate and embrace each.”

At the community meeting, Tibor explained that school district officials are doing whatever they can to push back against the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration.

She explained that school officials recently created a special section on the district’s website to provide resources for illegals, and they’re hosting “know your rights” seminars conducted in Portuguese and Spanish that have already helped 400 people in the adult ESL program.  MORE

SNIP: I have a story about the ESL program-

ESL is a scam! I went to school in southern CA and had met people who went through ESL as soon as they arrived in school.
1 year passed and they didn’t speak enough English to tell you their home phone number. Why? Because the teachers were teaching and conversing with them in Spanish only. The kids who learned English were the ones who immersed themselves with the English speaking students (which was rare), or in some cases, the ones that got private tutors (even rarer).

12 Comments on School offers ‘free’ adult English classes, pro bono legal services for illegals to avoid deportation

  1. I’d be OK with offering no-charge (nothing’s “free”) English lessons but only if English were made the official language of the U.S. and all govt business including forms and schools was conducted in English. The savings on translators would more than pay for the ESL classes.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, ain’t gonna happen. I know.

  2. Today’s notice to sanctuary cities is hopefully just the beginning of a new era for liberals undoing. when they brag about defying the law the law should step in and correct the situation ASAP.

  3. Class, there’s an ICE man at the door, at the window, at the other door, at the stairs, at the parking lot, at the taco truck in the parking lot and so on.

    What’s stopping them?

  4. @Jarhead – they figure they will be bailed out by federal dollars – aka the endless coffers of the American taxpayer who have less and less money because the retards in our govt. keep killing our economy in favor of invasion and national suicide.

    Until DJT. History will tell.

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