theLid: I guess this could be called the “new” new math. In Illinois a Common Core math instructor had some interesting things to say to a group of concerned parents and teachers about how we should be teaching math in our public schools.
Don’t get mad at Common Core instructor Amanda August, she’s just relaying the information that’s being passed on to her from higher up. If anything, be angry with your representatives who have allowed the Common Core disgrace to permeate our schools for the last 5 years or so.
Ms. August was recently caught on camera explaining that under the Common Core standards students could get credit for an incorrect answer as long as they could explain their “reasoning” for the answer. more here
No one understands the Debt Ceiling so let me explain.
Let’s say you come home from work and find there
has been a sewer-backup in your neighborhood.
Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceiling.
What do you think you should do?
1. raise the ceiling, or
2. pump out the shit?
Of course it is in the bizarro world called education.
Raise the ceiling!
Pretty fuckin simple …
Otherways, ya gotta buy a pump, hook it up, buy some gas, run the bitch, put up with fumes … and if ya get the shit pumped out (into your neighbor’s house) then ya gotta clean all the shit outta ery’thin ya own! Fuckin stupid!
That’s how we will be able to create legions upon legions of idiots who will equivocate on things such as, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the–if he–if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not–that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement….Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”
So, in math, science, language or anything, when there is no absolute, then you can say anything. Lying becomes truth, human beings become ’tissue’, yes means no and… You get the idea.
The article, she is quoted saying that they place more value on the how and why, not necessarily about ending up at the correct final answer.
This is freaking 3 x 4 = 12 not a long computational proof.
You teach them their times tables. THREE FOURS IS TWELVE.
You don’t give partial credit for times tables.
You can give partial credit for a long derivation or some complex proof or a multi-stage problem or an algebraic solve-for-x kind of thing where it might make sense to reward partial credit if they got some of it right.
Ridiculous. These are overly educated educators looking for a problem to justify their solution all wrapped up in a money making textbook scheme as revealed by the videos recently.
If you turn the x a little and make it a + then you can say that 3+4=7, and if you add another 4, you get 3+4+4=11; now if you add another 3 instead of 4, you get 3+4+3 =10. So the answer can be 10 or 11. Close enough, don’t ya think?
Very good Tom,but don’t say “ya”; “You” is more correct.
I just remembered this article from 2014!!!
Yo Joey Biden and the EPA will fine the shit out of you for spewing shit all over the neighborhood. What a mess!
Oh Joey.
On April 15, I’m going to file my Common Core tax return. Believe you me, I can explain the reasoning why I should get all my money back.
That house was made to deflect blasts from IED’s when it travels the roads of the future.
Q: Solve 3 x 4.
A: 12
Q: How did you arrive at that conclusion?
A: It is simple math you fucking idiot.
Q: How do I retire at 55 with 90% of my salary?
A: That is a mathematical impossibility.
Q: How did you arrive at that conclusion?
A: It is simple math you fucking idiot.
“Ms. August was recently caught on camera explaining that under the Common Core standards students could get credit for an incorrect answer as long as they could explain their “reasoning” for the answer”
I tried explaining that my excessive speed was correct using common core math to the judge but he insisted that I was incorrect. Feeling generous, he gave me partial credit for the violation and fined me only 80% of the fine if I could tell him what that fine would be.
Yeah, a whole brave new world when it comes to having stupid people run it.
3. Blame the republicans/conservatives/”white” people/patriarchy then get down to the country club for your golf date.
…men become women, Christians become terrorists while muslims are people of peace, illegal aliens become undocumented citizens.
Who would live to drive across a bridge that was designed by someone who thinks that “3×4 = 11 is “close enough”? For that matter who would like to drive a car designed by someone like that?
You know I meant “like” not “live” but live works as well come to think of it.
Feelings, not facts, are supported now.
I feel I’m a woman in a man’s body.. POOF I’m a woman
I feel I don’t need to pay for my education.. POOF debt is forgivin
I feel gun violence.. POOF guns commit violence
I feel 4×3=11.. POOF it is.
I can do this all day.. Bring me a physical item, or a mental thought and I will POOF it into something else for you.
Another reason respect for the education racket is low to non existent. Another reason their unions are despised. Hat’s off to the good people in the industry who try to do it right.
The teachers SHOULD be held to account.
Allowing them to be good Germans is not acceptable.
If teachers refused to engage in the destruction of their wards it wouldn’t be happening.
Put the heat on them, it will percolate up to the right places.
Found at Happy Acres
But if you follow your own explanation, and use your own how and why, but come up with an answer other than 12, then your how and why are wrong, also. I mean, it’s ALL wrong: the explanation, the how, the why, and the answer.
This is a clone of “participation awards.”
I still remember when 3 X 4 equaled Fish . . .
I remember when 2 x 4 meant a handy beating stick!
Oh, please. There was a post on this just a few days ago.
I wasn’t aware that “reasoning” had ceased to be a fact-based process.
OK fine, so pay the dumb bitch 11/12ths of what her contract calls for and insist that she must accept it as the correct amount. Let the dumb ass sue to get the remaining money she feels she is owed and present this bullshit as exhibit 1
Q: How do I retire at 55 with 90% of my salary?
A:That’s part of your union contract. Don’t forget 100% of benefits, also.
Common Core Standards are not about Education, but about Profits!
Sorry. Common Core is neither about “education” nor, exclusively, profits. It is about the mal-education of generations of Americans so that they no longer have the intellectual wherewithal to resist totalitarianism.
see: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
The method of common core is to distort Reality and to get the Child’s minds right to accept what they are being TOLD.
Read 1984 all over again slowly.
I had “New Math” 1965, it takes a lot of undoing.