School Removes Quotes From Yearbook For Being Too Gay – IOTW Report

School Removes Quotes From Yearbook For Being Too Gay

As far as outrageous high school quotes go, these are pretty tame.

You have to pick your battles a little more wisely. This is a losing one. Now the next graduating class are going to push the envelope a little more and get away with it.


Joey Slivinski and Thomas Swartz are out and proud, and the high school seniors chose yearbook quotes to reflect that. So the students in Kearney, Mo., were less than thrilled when they opened up their new yearbooks to discover blank spaces under their names, reports KCTV5, instead of the quotes they’d submitted along with all their classmates. Slivinski wanted his quote to read, “Of course I dress well. I didn’t spend all that time in the closet for nothing,” while Swartz chose, “If Harry Potter taught us anything, it’s that no one should have to live in the closet.”

District administrators have since issued a statement apologizing to the students for “our mistake,” saying they’ll “use it as a learning opportunity to improve in the future.” They say they try to “protect” their students by erring “on the side of caution” with quotes that could “potentially offend another student or groups of students.”


20 Comments on School Removes Quotes From Yearbook For Being Too Gay

  1. TO Deplorable
    I would mean the twinks themselves, and I assume organ did as well.

    You gonna “celebrate” next year when someone has
    “I’m hot for fifth graders!” under their photo?

    Wrong place to promote your personal perversions.

  2. Let’s acknowledge the fact that by making these “quotes” the individuals are making statements that either sensationalize themselves or DO intend to send messages that offend others.

    My advice to parents and youth about this sort of stuff was “be careful of the reputation you spin for yourself because it may be harsher than the one you already have.”

  3. Let me pretend to be *outraged*
    the next time I hear of a school
    censoring anything related to:
    the American Flag
    the Confederate Flag
    t shirts with firearms
    etc etc…..

    Happens every f’ing day.

    Diversity is dead;
    somebody (*wink wink*) mis-labeled the poison bottle “tolerance.”

  4. Some day hopefully these boys will have removed their heads {and anything else} from their asses. Want to share your yearbook with your children someday? “Gee dad, you were a fag?”

  5. if the homosexuals want to be normalized and equal or whatever, why do so many insist on drawing attention to themselves literally all the time?

    It’s almost as if they have a pathological need for attention. how many young men shove dicks in their ass simply as a desperate need for any sort of male attention and affection?

  6. do you really not think it’s this over involvement with our young adults lives that makes them into such snowflakes?

    sensor the kids quotes in their yearbook ?
    really ?
    I say let them live their lives with it out there for all to see and let the chips fall where they may.
    it’s called personal responsibility.
    if it blows up in their face then it is no ones fault but their own and they can own it.

  7. The demands of civilized culture require people to keep their mouths shut about the details of their sex lives.
    In the past people got up to all sorts of things but did not shout it out to the whole world.

  8. The most annoying thing about their quotes is they are anachronistic.

    Who the hell is keeping people in the closet??
    Where have these two been?

    It’s as if they WANT to be ordered into the closet so they can be a victim and a martyr.
    Sorry, nothing shocking about ya anymore.
    Now go be all depressed and cut yourself… some fruitcake.

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