School Shooter Tells Authorities the Motive – Taunts Over Gender Identity – IOTW Report

School Shooter Tells Authorities the Motive – Taunts Over Gender Identity


A high school student charged in a classmate’s death during a Colorado school shooting told police that he planned the attack for weeks and intended to target classmates who repeatedly mocked his gender identity.

Written summaries of police interviews with the two suspected shooters portray 16-year-old Alec McKinney as the leader of the attack, enlisting 18-year-old Devon Erickson in the plan to kill the students who bullied McKinney, who identifies as male.

Both teenagers told police that they broke into a gun safe at one of the teenagers’ homes before walking into the STEM School Highlands Ranch on the afternoon of May 7 with a guitar case and a backpack concealing four guns.

McKinney “said he wanted the kids at the school to experience bad things, have to suffer from trauma like he had had to in his life,” the document said. “He wanted everyone in that school to suffer and realize that the world is a bad place.”

Both teenagers are charged with murder and attempted murder in the shooting.

Prosecutors charged McKinney as an adult; his attorneys have said they plan to ask a judge to move the case back to juvenile court. Neither has entered a plea yet, and their attorneys opposed the unsealing of records associated with the criminal cases.

The document also revealed that a hired school security guard responding to the gunfire accidentally shot a female student. According to the record, several officers reported that the guard fired twice at a Douglas County Sheriff’s lieutenant.

The guard said he saw “a muzzle” come around a corner. The record said one of the guard’s shots wounded a female student inside a classroom.


8 Comments on School Shooter Tells Authorities the Motive – Taunts Over Gender Identity

  1. “Prosecutors charged McKinney as an adult; his attorneys have said they plan to ask a judge to move the case back to juvenile court.”

    if it is old enough to expect to be able to dictate the pronouns others have to use to address it, it is old enough to be tried as an adult. And sentenced as such, and that according to gender at birth.

  2. I hate these news reports using the wrong pronouns for these mentally ill people who “identify” as this, that or another thing. For the love of Pete!! It gives me a headache trying to keep the people straight. So to speak.

  3. This kind of reporting is despicable.

    It promotes the fascist agenda of the trannies where they insist we have to celebrate and participate in their mental illness

    And this reporter and editor clearly are advancing the gungrabbing anti- gun crowd’s lies and propaganda

    Truth is a good guy with a gun stopped a bad person with a gun

  4. I hope ‘he’ gets ‘his’ gender choices respected enough to be sent to a prison for men. ‘He’ will be real popular.

    Not really. I feel very sorry for the deluded youngsters who buy the crap pushed on them by evil (D)irtbag leaders and teachers. THEY are ones who should be locked up with horny male convicts until they learn how to deal with those who have no respect for the rights of others (hint: harsh punishment, not sympathy for


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