School vending machines quiet as students refuse ObamaSnacks – IOTW Report

School vending machines quiet as students refuse ObamaSnacks


BENSALEM, Pa. – Vending machine sales in schools have plummeted in Pennsylvania since the federal government tightened food restrictions at the behest of first lady Michelle Obama.

Instead of sweet treats, chips, and pretzels, students now have the choice of small packets of trail mix, baked chips, and water, and they’re opting to keep their money instead, the Bucks County Courier Times reports.

“You can imagine people want a Snickers bar more than a bag of baked chips,” said Eric Cardonick, president of Advanced Services vending company.

Cardonick said sales are down 50 percent in schools since the federal government approved Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, a trend that mirrors overall cafeteria sales in many schools.

Across the nation, school districts reported a serious downturn in cafeteria revenues as more than 1.2 million students dropped out of the National School Lunch Program because of federal restrictions on calories, fat, sugar, sodium, and other nutrition elements that now render school food inedible.


11 Comments on School vending machines quiet as students refuse ObamaSnacks

  1. A lot of kids have found that compared to Big Maw’s floor sweepings, it is tastier and more nutritious to eat a handful of nice fat earthworms so long as you rinse them off first.

    In other news, high school biology teachers across the country report widespread disappearance of lab rats.

  2. When I was a kid the only vending machines issued pencils with NFL team names/logos. We stopped at Circle K and bought candy before school. And some of us savvy capitalists bought extra and sold it to our classmates. They’d probably have more sales if they went back to pencils until Moochelle is gone.

  3. That Slack-jawed Wookie Moochie and her wife Barkola mistook the meaning of the term “noblesse oblige”. She who fancies herself the modern day Marie Antoinette may suffer the same fate as her idol.

  4. Trail mix (full of sugar and low quality GMO nuts) and baked chips (full of junk starch carbs) are STILL junk food. Healthy eating is a lifestyle choice. Restricting choices does not and will never lead to a healthy lifestyle. The diet needs to be tailored to individual needs; do the vending machines know if the customer is a carb type or protein type, let alone if the customer himself knows?

  5. I looked in my copy of the Constitution, and can’t find any reference to the Feds dictating what Vending Machines (in PA schools or otherwise) may vend.

    I may need an updated version …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Let the market decide.
    Don’t bring the junk food back,
    Get rid of the vending machines, and put in a treadmill hooked up to generate power.
    They put in their individual code and receive either credit at the cafeteria or school bookstore.
    Run your ass off, eat all the Pizza you can hold.

  7. Just let the kid’s “brown bag ” it and eat whatever mom puts in the bag. They can have a healthy dinner when they get home later. as for the 1st lady (of nothing) look at the food she eats-fat sow—–

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